Keep in mind: I am not an Innkeeper, just an assistant. But ... someday, I'll have my own inn, so I'd like to get as much of this under my belt as possible...
Isn't Occupancy different than ADR?
To me, and I KNOW I coulf be wrong, isn't occ just that: the amount of nights that were occupied whether they paid or not?
And for blocking, do you figure it : (hypothetically) 2 rooms booked out of a possible 3 (because you blocked 1)? That would be 66% occ instead of 50%.
I dont' know maybe I just misunderstand..
It is completely different than ADR - ADR is average daily rate and occupancy is the total number of rooms occupied. That's why I believe you may count comps and freebies in your occupancy numbers, because the fact that they were free will get accounted for in your ADR and total room revenue.
If you block rooms and you count them in your occupancy you have to start putting all sorts of caveats on it. For example - next week we have five nights blocked off for a trip for DH's family. I could say - take those nights out of August completely; my occupancy is based on 156 room nights available instead of 186. Or I could say, my occupancy the rest of the month is 80%, so I'll apply the 80% to that week also (even though I know that week is usually less busy; that's why I blocked it off). Or I could just eat it - it's my choice to take the days off so my occupancy is lower in August than it might be if I chose to work those days.
The only way to truly compare occupancy rates across B&Bs, in my opinion, is to not account for blocking off days or months closed, so that there is a level playing field for the comparison. If you are looking to buy a place, all those idiosyncracies around the occupany rate should be revealed, of course. But some sellers are not full disclosers and then you get inflated occupancy rates.