i want to know how it works out as well
i was reluctant to continue with the process because i did not want to give my ss# online. i have heard about the different companies, some with good reputations. and if you can work from home doing customer service, why not YOU instead of us calling support in india?.
I WOULD NEVER give my SS# on line. That just smacks of potential problems to me. I don't care how good a reuputation a company has, someone can ALWAYS FAKE their site and make you think you are actually there when you are not.
There are just too many scam stories on the news today ..so everyone PLEASE be VERY LEARY of what you do on line!!!!!
There are some sites where you have to give a social security number. I have learned that many colleges has done away with paper applications and now you can only apply online and you have to put in your SS #. Also with applying for financial aid for college it is the same way.
Yes, the number that was supposed to be private, secret and never given to anyone! Ahhhhh, the way government works. It took less than 50 years for that promise to be broken (we are not giving the citizens number to track them with.... Right!).
gillumhouse said:
Yes, the number that was supposed to be private, secret and never given to anyone! Ahhhhh, the way government works. It took less than 50 years for that promise to be broken (we are not giving the citizens number to track them with.... Right!).
Picture me lying on a bed in the ER last Friday...registration person shows up to ask me my info (very nice they let me in with nothing but my insurance card and no other info). She asks for address, phone, next of kin, SSN. She got everything but SSN. And I told her, 'I do not give that out.' She walked away and didn't say boo.
And yet hubs gives out his SSN to get damn satellite TV. No way, Jose, I told him. You better not have given them MY SSN for the damn TV.
Unless you are paying me money or I am borrowing money from you, you do not get my SSN. If I have to do without TV, so be it. No SSN to get TV service. That is a crock.