Same bat time, same bat station

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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This is my bear to cross this year - the person who calls every night, at the same time, after hours.
The message is still the same. The office is still closed. Please reserve online or call back during our business hours.
Turn off the ringer... Or we have ours on sleep mode. If the same number calls twice within five minutes it goes through and rings. Other than that it remains quiet. Nice!
Innkeeper's revenge: We return those calls at 5:45 AM. "Oh, we saw you called several times and wanted to get back to you ASAP".
And, just like last time, an email asking where the confirmation is. I'm not awake! What is the person not getting about the message with the office hours???
Are they in a different time zone?? just for kicks I'd change it to say xx xx Time so possibly they can figure it out. Had travelers from Arizona who were on their time. When we connected by phone they said 'we kept calling you and never got you' ... because they were calling at 8 pm their time and I was sawing zzzz's at 11 my time.
They did come and stay but sadly, they were also on their weather ... poor woman was freezing in summer in Maine. She wore layers and layers of clothes. I loaned her mittens, heavy socks and knit cap. Could see her teeth chattering. I think Arizona that year was hovering around 100 ... our nights that month were freezing to her, dipping in the 60's and we had days of damp and rain!!!! I moved them to the most uncomfortable and hottest (to most) of rooms on the third floor and they felt better.
Innkeeper's revenge: We return those calls at 5:45 AM. "Oh, we saw you called several times and wanted to get back to you ASAP"..
PhineasSwann likes this.
Are they in a different time zone?? just for kicks I'd change it to say xx xx Time so possibly they can figure it out. Had travelers from Arizona who were on their time. When we connected by phone they said 'we kept calling you and never got you' ... because they were calling at 8 pm their time and I was sawing zzzz's at 11 my time.
They did come and stay but sadly, they were also on their weather ... poor woman was freezing in summer in Maine. She wore layers and layers of clothes. I loaned her mittens, heavy socks and knit cap. Could see her teeth chattering. I think Arizona that year was hovering around 100 ... our nights that month were freezing to her, dipping in the 60's and we had days of damp and rain!!!! I moved them to the most uncomfortable and hottest (to most) of rooms on the third floor and they felt better..
Get ready: same STATE.
Nothing at all to do with the phone ringing, just an insight into how a guest's mind works. Had someone check in today who is on her way to somewhere else. Her comment to me:
We were trying to decide if we should keep driving and get to our cabin tonight instead of staying with with you, but here we are!
What??? You've had this rez for 5 weeks and you're telling me you were going to drive on and possibly not tell me? I'm not sure I understand this thought process.
Nothing at all to do with the phone ringing, just an insight into how a guest's mind works. Had someone check in today who is on her way to somewhere else. Her comment to me:
We were trying to decide if we should keep driving and get to our cabin tonight instead of staying with with you, but here we are!
What??? You've had this rez for 5 weeks and you're telling me you were going to drive on and possibly not tell me? I'm not sure I understand this thought process..
"Thank you for your reservation. Per our cancellation policy..."
I personally do not care about their mindset, excuses or other things. Cancellation policy is followed. You hold up our room, you pay. Every time.
Try doing that to Hilton Hotels or a flight to Europe. You don't show up, tough noogies.
Unless there was 18" of snow, a hurricane or they are threatening bodily harm or lots of negative publicity, they get charged every time.
If they are a regular and try to pull something, I will still charge.
That is how my mindset works.
Nothing at all to do with the phone ringing, just an insight into how a guest's mind works. Had someone check in today who is on her way to somewhere else. Her comment to me:
We were trying to decide if we should keep driving and get to our cabin tonight instead of staying with with you, but here we are!
What??? You've had this rez for 5 weeks and you're telling me you were going to drive on and possibly not tell me? I'm not sure I understand this thought process..
oh , they would have called you at 10pm and said...oh we just drove on through to our cabin! and then expect you to excuse them...NOT!
Ok another one... call 2 hours after arrival time ends to inquire whether or not a travel trailer is going to present a problem in re parking.
Um. Yeah. There are enough spaces for cars only and only a limited number of cars.
Ok just arrived. Not a huge thing but certainly hope everyone else can get out.
Let me throw another one in. As I was typing the last, the doorbell rang. Could be the late arrivals so I answered. Person was walking away so I called to her. Never turned around. 5 feet away. So, yeah, get me out in my jammies and then ignore me. Yeesh.
Flicked the light, no response.
Innkeeper's revenge: We return those calls at 5:45 AM. "Oh, we saw you called several times and wanted to get back to you ASAP"..
Have been tempted to do this many a time. Never have though.
Copperhead said:
Have been tempted to do this many a time. Never have though.
I did. Woman called 3 times at midnight, one call after the other, spaced far enough apart that I got back to sleep. I looked up the area code and called her back at 5 AM her time. Her office phone. Didn't bother her at all.
As it turns out, again that whole 'no good comes...' she was a real pita, but she cancelled with me by showing up at the door in her pajamas and saying she'd rather stay where she was from the night before but didn't want to pay the cancellation fee.
Looking at her in her wild attire with a dog tucked under her arm and a husband so completely out of breath from walking several hundred yards he had to sit down, I gladly let her walk for free.
My innkeeping friend who got her hated me. It was around an $800 loss in a month where we'd already had several thousand dollars in uncollectible cancellations.
Still. She wasn't in my house and that was worth it.
Let me throw another one in. As I was typing the last, the doorbell rang. Could be the late arrivals so I answered. Person was walking away so I called to her. Never turned around. 5 feet away. So, yeah, get me out in my jammies and then ignore me. Yeesh.
Flicked the light, no response..
We had a check in yesterday where the guest yelled at us when we tried to tell them how to get in the house. OK, so it was probably a long time in the car in the heat we figured, driving from about 6 states away. Found out this morning they were 45 minutes away yesterday. Lighten up pal. You're on vacation.