We're talking Christmas party for a business women's club, on a weeknight in December.
I'm legal, no worries. (I'm just limited in the amount of meals I can serve per week.)
In talking with my sister about it this morning (she's a business woman and lives here) we were thinking $12.95/pp plus tax. She liked $10 for manicotti and $12 for chicken, plus another $3 to do a dessert buffet. She's the one who suggested the creme brulee... says no one else in town makes it, and it's what she always orders when she's at a business dinner... elegant and just the right amount after a big dinner. She and I were also figuring out how we could do the tables... I think we can seat 12 in two tables of six.
We'd do it on a weeknight and dh would help (at least with the kids). She sounded like she wants to come help, too, although the reality is she has a life, too, and I'd try to make it as much in advance as possible.
She recently ate at a Friday night buffet held by a catering company here in town. In her words, NEVER AGAIN! The food was all pre-made food service grade (GFS or Stouffer's), mac and cheese and so forth. The drinks were a girl behind a table pouring pop out of two liter bottles. The price was $15pp (actually, I thought it was $18). What they do have going for them is volume (we have a lot of large people in town) and she said the dessert buffet was good.
She said the dinners she gets invited to they try to keep the cost down so that people will come. But you're right, she certainly wasn't thinking $25pp (the first number that came to mind).
I'm going to call the catering place and ask what they'd charge to cater it here, and also call the restaurant where this club has met in the past. I think they probably just get salad bar there, but if it's evening that's $8 plus drink and tax. To my mind, $10 is too little, regardless what I serve. I'll also call the classy place in town (which has meeting rooms and which would be a good alternative for this group) and see what they charge. I had guests go there this weekend and say the food was fantastic but the price was cheap, $40 for both of them.
It will be good publicity for me, and a good trial run to see if we can make dinners here work out. We're going to need more income in the long run, and this sounds like a potential source.
YellowSocks said:
We're talking Christmas party for a business women's club, on a weeknight in December.
I'm legal, no worries. (I'm just limited in the amount of meals I can serve per week.)
In talking with my sister about it this morning (she's a business woman and lives here) we were thinking $12.95/pp plus tax. She liked $10 for manicotti and $12 for chicken, plus another $3 to do a dessert buffet. She's the one who suggested the creme brulee... says no one else in town makes it, and it's what she always orders when she's at a business dinner... elegant and just the right amount after a big dinner. She and I were also figuring out how we could do the tables... I think we can seat 12 in two tables of six.
We'd do it on a weeknight and dh would help (at least with the kids). She sounded like she wants to come help, too, although the reality is she has a life, too, and I'd try to make it as much in advance as possible.
She recently ate at a Friday night buffet held by a catering company here in town. In her words, NEVER AGAIN! The food was all pre-made food service grade (GFS or Stouffer's), mac and cheese and so forth. The drinks were a girl behind a table pouring pop out of two liter bottles. The price was $15pp (actually, I thought it was $18). What they do have going for them is volume (we have a lot of large people in town) and she said the dessert buffet was good.
She said the dinners she gets invited to they try to keep the cost down so that people will come. But you're right, she certainly wasn't thinking $25pp (the first number that came to mind).
I'm going to call the catering place and ask what they'd charge to cater it here, and also call the restaurant where this club has met in the past. I think they probably just get salad bar there, but if it's evening that's $8 plus drink and tax. To my mind, $10 is too little, regardless what I serve. I'll also call the classy place in town (which has meeting rooms and which would be a good alternative for this group) and see what they charge. I had guests go there this weekend and say the food was fantastic but the price was cheap, $40 for both of them.
It will be good publicity for me, and a good trial run to see if we can make dinners here work out. We're going to need more income in the long run, and this sounds like a potential source.
I am worried about you in this, as you are a giving person and like to go all out and knock their socks off. This of course, being a top character trait, but the price will not reflect this to the guests. $3 for a dessert boofay? That is less than buying "a" dessert even at Denny's.
Like mentioned if this 'group' went to a restaurant automatic 15 or 20% gratuity added. Add it in for your "staff" if they are helping. They will not tip, they will assume it is included in the price.
Luncheons I did for 10-12 ladies took ALL of my family running the entire time. I am not exxagerating and I am the ultimate preplanner organized individual. I had food that didn't require all my attention when the guests arrived.
So my advice on that is to get that point person(s) and in advance give them the run through of the whole thing. 12 noon luncheon HALF of them were here by 1130!!! (already dolled up, hair done etc). YES it put me out, I was in finishing up and getting ready to serve shortly. So i had to get them drinks, show them restrooms, etc etc. The drinks were not out at 1130.
They would come in every 2 minutes - "Oh I just wanted to show Cecelia the kitchen! Don't mind us" and iIn they came. The point person arrived AFTER all the other ladies. I have had red hats, grits, garden clubs to name a few. I did this year one. Our town wants me to do it, they call from the town office to book luncheons here.
I undercharged big time. Then the one lady who just simply dropped her plate of food. Her check bounced TWICE and I had to pay fees on it (she wrote me a check for the breakage and it was a vintage slavic plate in a collection I have). Inotice your guestimate price of $10-12 and others are saying $20-25. See what I mean. That is HALF what others are suggesting.
Lastly if 5 do not show, too bad. Payment by the point person is up front - easy to tell her you require it to PURCHASE the food items. If they don't show they are told they have to pay anyway, and it is not your problem. Then - add in some fresh flowers - even two bouquets will suck profit out of you. Just two.
Lastly, oops, my second lastly - sound like a preacher - any-hoo remember LESS is more. Less is more elegant, since we have a tendency to over do it. Most importantly these ladies will eat like birds. Seriousely, they will yak yak and pick at their food. So a dessert and coffee shouldn't be a boofay with many choices. Make it simple and elegant.
My last two cents.