shrinkwrapping furniture to store?

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user 26

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Jun 2, 2008
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you know how when you get furniture delivered, it is all wrapped up in plastic? i have to store a very big overstuffed chair, ottomon and couch for a while. since i can't keep paying monthly storage, my sis offered to let me store this furniture in her enormous barn.
her barn = mice i think
i've been trying to find another option and have come up empty.
if i wrap in plastic wrap maybe i can keep them from building a home in the nice warm furniture? i don't see mice running around in there, but they've been there before. years back, chickens lived there and a couple pigs ... heck, it's a barn! aach, what to do?
I wish I had an easy answer for you. Anything we've ever tried to store anywhere other than inside the house ends up with mice in it. I don't think the plastic wrap will help because they can just chew threw it. When digging out my snowblower from my shed yesterday I had to throw out two plastic drop clothes that were folded up because mice (or chipmunks) had chewed through several layers and made nests right in the middle of them. If you can train a couple of barn cats to sleep on it, that might keep the mice away.

This is going to sound like a smart alek answer but I don't mean it that way. Safest thing for the couch is probably to sell/give it to someone who can give it a good home and buy another when you need one.
I agree... unless there are some active cats, there will be mice. I have had things "on permanent loan"... I use them until (if ever) their owner comes back for them.
Bummer for you, though...
Try this:
Lay a tarp on the ground and place a couple of dryer sheets such as Bounce on it. Then place the furniture on, with more dryer sheets on the seats, arms and backs. Bring the tarp over the top (use another tarp if necessary), and tie it all up. Don't worry about making it mouse proof; you can't. The tarps are to keep dirt and dust out, and keep the smell of the dryer sheets in. If any mice do get in, the smell will drive them back out. That should last several months.
That's a trick RVers use when storing their rigs for the winter. Often novice RVers are under the impression that their rig is sealed up tight, only to find in the spring that all their towels and linens have been shredded and eveything inside the RV needs to be cleaned and sanitized. (Don't ask how I know this.
) The price of a box of dryer sheets every fall keeps everything safe, with the added bonus that the RV smells "spring-time fresh" when it is taken out of storage.
I grew up on the farm and we were always fighting the mice. We found that roof flashing - the wider the better - stood on edge around the object (we were protecting bagged planting seed) worked pretty well. It is too tall for them to jump and too slick to climb.
They will chew thru the shrink wrap if they want to get in. Plus, if the furniture is damp when wrapped that will exacerbate any dampness issues as no air will be circulating. OTOH, we stored furniture in one of those storage places and it smelled awful when we got it back. So bad that I could not sit on the couch or use the mattress once we got the furniture out.
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks.
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks..
seashanty said:
i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
Absolutely! Agree 100%
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks..
Oh no NOT leave it at the inn. If you know this young couple well, just call them up and say."I can't take this with me, I was wondering if you might like to have it?" What a nice holiday treat it will be for least i hope so. I have been cleaning out things and giving them away as they are just taking up space. When someone comes over..I say "anything here you need? Please take it. I am giving away most of our holiday decorations to my church. I just do not want to put all of this stuff up just for the sake of doing it for us. Not necessary. I want someone to get some pleasure out of them.:)
i need to clarify. i already took it. it's in storage as i 'speak' but i can't keep it there. so ... i'm gonna pay a little visit to them and see what they say. thank you.
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks..
I'm sure they won't be insulted if you explain it would be a relief to you to find a good home to the furniture. Then trust that when the time comes for you to feather your own nest again, the right furniture will find you again.
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks.. have furniture for sale? Pix? Prices? Measurements?
food for thought (and i don't mean mouse food) maybe i will have to sell it (it's only 2 years old and i love it) or if not then give it away.
come to think of it, i have family who could use some nice furniture if they wouldn't be insulted at my offering it to them. one young couple in particular with a futon (broken) and two of those metal chairs with a round cushion that fits in the circle. i don't know what those chairs are called but they are not comfortable for more than a few minutes sitting ... in my opinion. yes, probably i should offer it to family and then buy new later on down the road. i just could not/WOULD NOT leave it at the inn.
okay ... letting go of my furniture. hmmm .... why not?
as usual, you are helping me figure out the right thing to do. thanks.. have furniture for sale? Pix? Prices? Measurements?
Actually I would like to get rid of some ... I was going to give my niece a bunch for her first apt..but it is too small. Then DH threw a fit!!!! Doesn't want empty rooms. So we wait for a few years till the market changes..then if no one wants it for a B & B again...we can sell off some furniture..or sell it with the house. Most of the stuff I have given away is sheets, towels, kitchen stuff.
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