Skype & Logitech camera/mike

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May 22, 2008
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My son got me a logitech camera/microphone and set me up with Skype. All worked great when he set it up. Somehow the Logitech got unplugged from the USB port on the front of my tower. Connected it again yesterday - nothing. Today, I tried the other port (did yeaterday too beu did not see any action but today the little green light lit. GREAT! Then Logitech went into an install. I can see and hear my son - he called from Finland - but blank on his end. At least I finally found the chat room feature and I was able to message him so he knows I could see/hear him.
Back to the install. It finished and rebooted my system. On the Logitech testing I can see me on the video but not hear. On Skype - neither. Anyone have any ideas before I spend more money on a computer guru? Microphone is NOT muted.
this is from the skype community website
1) Skype > File > Options

2) Hand/Headsets
At this point my previous configuration was:
AUDIO IN: SigmaTel Audio
AUDIO OUT: SigmaTel Audio
RINGING: SigmaTel Audio

What I did was changing the first option, AUDIO IN to Windows Default Device.
AUDIO IN: Windows default device
AUDIO OUT: SigmaTel Audio (this is what comes on windows, substitute with the device you plug your headphones into if not directly into computer)
RINGING: SigmaTel Audio (same as above)

then I applied the fixes as they were described in the thread I mentioned:"
good luck! (i don't have skype - i use magicjack)
this is from the skype community website
1) Skype > File > Options

2) Hand/Headsets
At this point my previous configuration was:
AUDIO IN: SigmaTel Audio
AUDIO OUT: SigmaTel Audio
RINGING: SigmaTel Audio

What I did was changing the first option, AUDIO IN to Windows Default Device.
AUDIO IN: Windows default device
AUDIO OUT: SigmaTel Audio (this is what comes on windows, substitute with the device you plug your headphones into if not directly into computer)
RINGING: SigmaTel Audio (same as above)

then I applied the fixes as they were described in the thread I mentioned:"
good luck! (i don't have skype - i use magicjack).
Thanks. I will not know for a while. It was 10 PM in Finland when we gave up. The Internet is in my d-i-l's Uncle's bedroom and they wanted to go to bed. Tomorrow the kids are going to Sweden so I do not know when he is going to try again. It was nice to at least be able to see and hear him and he was getting my typed messages as I sent them. My system is using SoundMax and the options are soundmax or some modem setting that I tried yesterday and REALLY screwed things up until i could figure out hoe to change it back. Did not know how I got there.
Thank you for trying with me. I did look again for windows default settings and did not see it.
IN skype You have to adjust the source of the microphone. It initially defaults to the microphone on your sound card, which probably has no microphone built in. You have to tell Skype to use the logitech microphone. I don't have skype on the machine I am using at the moment, so this is from memory and may be a bit loose with the actual menu but I think it is "Tools >>> Options Then there is an audio tab or a microphone tab (can't remember which)
IN skype You have to adjust the source of the microphone. It initially defaults to the microphone on your sound card, which probably has no microphone built in. You have to tell Skype to use the logitech microphone. I don't have skype on the machine I am using at the moment, so this is from memory and may be a bit loose with the actual menu but I think it is "Tools >>> Options Then there is an audio tab or a microphone tab (can't remember which).
I have 2 choices
SoundMax Digital Audio
Modem #0 line record (emulated)
Should I reinstall Logitech?
IN skype You have to adjust the source of the microphone. It initially defaults to the microphone on your sound card, which probably has no microphone built in. You have to tell Skype to use the logitech microphone. I don't have skype on the machine I am using at the moment, so this is from memory and may be a bit loose with the actual menu but I think it is "Tools >>> Options Then there is an audio tab or a microphone tab (can't remember which).
I have 2 choices
SoundMax Digital Audio
Modem #0 line record (emulated)
Should I reinstall Logitech?
Should I reinstall Logitech?
It does sound like something is missing so you could give that a try. It couldn't hurt anyway.
The other alternative is to select SoundMaxDigital Audio (thats your sound card) and then plug in a head set microphone. I find that works a lot better anyway. I often find the microphones on the cameras to be to finicky....they pick up some things and ignore others.
IN skype You have to adjust the source of the microphone. It initially defaults to the microphone on your sound card, which probably has no microphone built in. You have to tell Skype to use the logitech microphone. I don't have skype on the machine I am using at the moment, so this is from memory and may be a bit loose with the actual menu but I think it is "Tools >>> Options Then there is an audio tab or a microphone tab (can't remember which).
I have 2 choices
SoundMax Digital Audio
Modem #0 line record (emulated)
Should I reinstall Logitech?
Should I reinstall Logitech?
It does sound like something is missing so you could give that a try. It couldn't hurt anyway.
The other alternative is to select SoundMaxDigital Audio (thats your sound card) and then plug in a head set microphone. I find that works a lot better anyway. I often find the microphones on the cameras to be to finicky....they pick up some things and ignore others.
OK, I have my original microphone I got when I got the original computer - IF IT WORKS - it has a jack type plug. Any ideas where it plugs in?
IN skype You have to adjust the source of the microphone. It initially defaults to the microphone on your sound card, which probably has no microphone built in. You have to tell Skype to use the logitech microphone. I don't have skype on the machine I am using at the moment, so this is from memory and may be a bit loose with the actual menu but I think it is "Tools >>> Options Then there is an audio tab or a microphone tab (can't remember which).
I have 2 choices
SoundMax Digital Audio
Modem #0 line record (emulated)
Should I reinstall Logitech?
Should I reinstall Logitech?
It does sound like something is missing so you could give that a try. It couldn't hurt anyway.
The other alternative is to select SoundMaxDigital Audio (thats your sound card) and then plug in a head set microphone. I find that works a lot better anyway. I often find the microphones on the cameras to be to finicky....they pick up some things and ignore others.
OK, I have my original microphone I got when I got the original computer - IF IT WORKS - it has a jack type plug. Any ideas where it plugs in?
THat depends on your may have a jack in the front or if not, it would be in the back. The jack will be labeled with a microphone symbol and is usually marked with a red ring.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?
Or you could always get a Mac.
Sonata are phones necessary in the rooms? Do you have decent cellular phone coverage? We bought this place and the rooms had phones and everyone had a cell phone. I have had in 6 years only TWO people call and ask for guests (who were staying here) Disclaimer frantic women have called searching for 'him' calling every lodging estab.
Even if you needed a guest accessable phone, you can have a cordless placed anywhere.
Now that the old days of dial up are over phone lines aren't necessary in guest rooms. I would save # by getting rid of the PBX - you can add Voice Over IP reasonably enough. Just my opinion.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?.
I use Skype to connect with people at work (usually with video). It works ok, but there are times when the audio drops out or the video freezes up. The people I work with understand the limitations and we just sort of laugh about it, but I'm not sure if calling people I didn't know well would be accepting of that.
The audio only portion of Skype may be a little more reliable but I'm not sure of that since I don't use it as often.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?.
Skype only works if BOTH parties have it on their systems. I still have not figured it out to get everything functioning again but have been up to my eyeballs in City stuff.
I agree that phones are not necessary in the rooms. I have one extension upstairs that was installed when my aunt lived with us. I comes in handy most for me to answer when I am upstairs doing flips. VERY few guests have used it in the last 13 years.
I had 2 lines util this Feb - one for computer/fax and one for voice. I now have high-speed and us 1 splitter ro have both on one line. Giving up the second line made it wash for costs, something that was VERY important to me.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?.
I use Skype to connect with people at work (usually with video). It works ok, but there are times when the audio drops out or the video freezes up. The people I work with understand the limitations and we just sort of laugh about it, but I'm not sure if calling people I didn't know well would be accepting of that.
The audio only portion of Skype may be a little more reliable but I'm not sure of that since I don't use it as often.
Right now I see/hear my son (the important one) and I type my part of the conversation and it is like doing IM. A little awkward at times due to my lack of typing abilitity - he has not figured out the fat-finger system of reading my messages yet. He is learning.
He said his Internet access will be limited for the next 2 weeks so I do not have a rush thank goodness because for the next 2 weeks I need a straight jacket for all I have gotten myself into.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?.
Skype only works if BOTH parties have it on their systems. I still have not figured it out to get everything functioning again but have been up to my eyeballs in City stuff.
I agree that phones are not necessary in the rooms. I have one extension upstairs that was installed when my aunt lived with us. I comes in handy most for me to answer when I am upstairs doing flips. VERY few guests have used it in the last 13 years.
I had 2 lines util this Feb - one for computer/fax and one for voice. I now have high-speed and us 1 splitter ro have both on one line. Giving up the second line made it wash for costs, something that was VERY important to me.
That's not true. Skype is only FREE when calling Skype to Skype. Skype can call landlines or cell phones, but then it is no longer free. You have to put credits into your skype account.
I haven't compared cost to a traditional long distance plan. THe good part is that you only pay for what you use. Unlike many of the landline long distance plans you now pay a minimum fee even if you make no long distance calls that month.
On the topic of Skype:
Has anyone been able to implement this software in their business to save on phone bills?
I have a toll free number and three lines at my house, and a PBX system to forward 2 of those lines for 11 rooms, (also the Credit card machine leeches one of those lines.) The third line is for gets quite expensive.
Anyone know how I could save on this project, or do I have to bite the bullet, and just accept that that is the cost of doing business?.
Skype only works if BOTH parties have it on their systems. I still have not figured it out to get everything functioning again but have been up to my eyeballs in City stuff.
I agree that phones are not necessary in the rooms. I have one extension upstairs that was installed when my aunt lived with us. I comes in handy most for me to answer when I am upstairs doing flips. VERY few guests have used it in the last 13 years.
I had 2 lines util this Feb - one for computer/fax and one for voice. I now have high-speed and us 1 splitter ro have both on one line. Giving up the second line made it wash for costs, something that was VERY important to me.
That's not true. Skype is only FREE when calling Skype to Skype. Skype can call landlines or cell phones, but then it is no longer free. You have to put credits into your skype account.
I haven't compared cost to a traditional long distance plan. THe good part is that you only pay for what you use. Unlike many of the landline long distance plans you now pay a minimum fee even if you make no long distance calls that month.
Yes, I forgot the $$ part. Mainly because I also have no clue as to the fee. I have a toll-free account that takes care of all except my Canada calls - our-going. Canada is good in-coming. I use my cell phone for all long distance.