Portion control. Taking a page from your guy, Barry's, Bar Blog we're going to use scoops and measures for portions. Gomez starts off ok but eventually ends up serving each guest about 2x the usual amount of food anyone needs to eat in one meal. So we'll be working on using scoops and measuring cups instead of eyeballing while he gets his portions back under control.
We'll also not be buying 'prepared' foods that cost more...pre-sliced mushrooms or other veggies. Yes, it makes for more work for him, which he hates, but he also hates the bills! Well, maybe I could take over cutting up the veggies for him. Shredded cheese, stuff like that.
We did institute one food saving measure this year which I think helped...he no longer pre-cooks the sausages in the morning but cooks to order only the number that will get eaten.
Better preplanning based on how many guests it looks like we'll have over the course of a few days. Right now I have about $10 worth of fresh fruit to eat before it goes bad. That was poor planning.
I'm aiming for a 25% drop in food budget with these couple of changes..
Morticia said:
I'm aiming for a 25% drop in food budget with these couple of changes.
25%? Holy cow, that's a huge number...kudos to you if you can accomplish it! As discussed on another thread, we are talking about changing the type of breakfast we serve. However, my fear is that while we would enjoy tremendously lower food costs and less work early in the morning, we would not enjoy the tremendously lower revenues that would probably result!
If we are still here going into summer 2010, we have decided to make some important changes that would allow us the family time that we've been missing for almost seven years. For instance, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday...haven't seen one all this time. This year, no one can check in on the 4th..so we'll have only stayovers, and we can get out for the day. Was considering no checkins on Saturdays for the same reasons, but have not taken the steps to make that happen yet. Just the little things that will make the 85%+ occupied summers a little less restrictive.
Gomez shops everyday. If there is a 2 fer sale, he buys 2 even if we only need 1. That 1 generally ends up getting thrown out because we don't serve the same breakfast again for 3-4 days. And THEN he goes to the store and does the same thing all over again.
So, it's more a planning thing to say, 'Here's what we'll serve for the next 3-4 days and how we will use up everything that got bought in one way or another.' I need to drive that. He only wants to cook, he doesn't want to plan. It works really well in the summer when I look over a rolling week at a time, make the menu up based on whatever restrictions have already booked and proceed from there.
As to your 85% occ...raise your rates! Make more money, have fewer guests, get more time off! One summer the PO's did a 90% occ August. I would die running around like that. (And believe me, they were not in the least happy at all even tho they hired out the cleaning and sent the laundry out!) I'll happily stick at 70-75% and keep some modicum of sanity!