Targeted Advertising in 2010

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May 22, 2008
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I was considering the 1000 lb gorilla half-price deal but I think I am going to go with tageted marketing this year more than the shotgun approach (scattered all over and hope it lands somewhere). I will keep the 2 remaining shotgun Directories to maintain my presence in the world in general. However, I am going to try the more specific this year.
I have my horse web directory sites (I can get 4 of them for less than the 1000 lb gorilla with money left over to pay for the design of one of the ads). I am also doing print ads in a horse magazine - I told the ad agency to focus - among other things - on my distance from KY Hor se Pa rk. Now that my rail-trail is fixed, I am also going to do an early bird sign up that will give me 2 issues for the price of one in a bike/hike magazine, and I get an article in it besides - I have to write it of course.
My State Tourism and Commerce Division web sites plus a new one that lists ALL lodgins, attractions, & activities in the State will be (and already are) a big help.
Time will tell if this approach works.
I am also going for targeted, low cost listings, but online only. I need to now develop packages and points of interest for those folks.
If I note that I have a portion of my guests coming from the capitol city of the neighboring state, how would I target that? Or, I note that many guests are from 4 hours away, in different directions...
I also know that we get people traveling cross country... we're a nice place to stop between Indiana and Connecticut. I know I need to push the town just south of me (because I think that's what they're searching to find me), but is there another way I can target these people?
If I note that I have a portion of my guests coming from the capitol city of the neighboring state, how would I target that? Or, I note that many guests are from 4 hours away, in different directions...
I also know that we get people traveling cross country... we're a nice place to stop between Indiana and Connecticut. I know I need to push the town just south of me (because I think that's what they're searching to find me), but is there another way I can target these people?
YellowSocks there are lots of ways to target your advertising dollars. Just depends on whether you want to do it online or in print.
If you're getting a lot of guests coming from one particular city, I'd definitely consider some targeted print ads there. And for that, I'd look to the smaller community papers in that city, rather than the major paper itself. Alternative weekly publications often have very good rates.
But an even better way to target that city is to write up some travel articles and submit them for publication in those community papers. You'll be surprised how often they'll be printed. And they're my favorite price: FREE.
Well, except for your time, that is. But it seems you have some recent marketing help from a certain DH. This could be a great project for him.
I know it is the gorilla, but this is what I have been waiting for, a link. I am actually very excited about it. If it fizzles out and was all smoke and mirrors then I go on to the next new big thing. :) This year has fallen into marketing to Gen-X and Gen-X are on trip advisor, and Gen-X have high paying tech jobs, and Gen-X are out and about and traveling. So they might as well stay here... tee hee
Back to targeting - if you blog...sorry to go on about this, but blog events and things in your area and you can get picked up by media and groups who google and get your bog article in their results. You know my theory about beefing up your content (not about more and more print and more and more to read, that is not my def of content).
If I note that I have a portion of my guests coming from the capitol city of the neighboring state, how would I target that? Or, I note that many guests are from 4 hours away, in different directions...
I also know that we get people traveling cross country... we're a nice place to stop between Indiana and Connecticut. I know I need to push the town just south of me (because I think that's what they're searching to find me), but is there another way I can target these people?
The small newspapers and weekly newspapers are perfect for travel areticles YOU write. Best way to get it printed is to write it about points of interest (if it is a little know even better) nd include a paragraph about your inn OR if you are doing something special - an open house or are now featuring something different write about that. One way to track ad effectiveness is to make the ad a coupon for a discount or bring this ad and get..... (some small item or extra amenity).
My target marketing is mostly to newsprint type rather than glossy magazines. Bike Midwest focuses on 6 States - OH, PA, WV, KY, IL, & IN and are distributed in bike shops etc. A 1/4 page ad is going to cost $560 but if I schedul before Feb 26 I will get 2 months with my ad AND they will publish an info-article I submit. I have used this magazine before with success which is why I am doing it again. Another reason (besides the twofer) is that my rail-trail has been closed on my end for 2 years and this will give me the opportunity to announce it is open again.
The horse magazine is a small glossy and all ads there are 4-color and it is a LOT less than the bike thing but it is going to a select group that I want to have call me - I am halfway between them and their destination and they need to know it.
I will not advertise in newspapers because that is nothing but birdcage material - PERIOD!!!