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May 22, 2008
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As I sit here waiting for my guest to get up and go. Really nice returning guest - she was here last year with the blown tires on her horse trailer. She is on her way back to Canada for a month of fox hunting and competitions and will be back here on her way home to South Carolina. She wants to get an early start so she can keep the horses out of the heat as much as possible. Her alarm just went off - it is 3 AM. I made her a baked oatmeal without milk (she is lactose intolerant) and instead of the yogurt, made a syrupy strawberry whatever for the oatmeal instead of the usual yogurt. I have it packed up in a comtainer with napkns & spoon in a plastic bag. The to-go cup is ready. There is so much fruit in the oatmeal that it is an all-in-one breakfast. My plan was to just stay up and then go to bed until i woke up. Wrong!
Then about 9:00 I got a call from the road for my last room - since my Harris Room lady took off for the weekend it is a private bath. They finally got here at 10:45. I had enough time to show them to their room & bathroom before it was time to go to the Chapel. They have a 9:30 breakfast. The coffe is made and so are the muffins - wanted something non-fruit so made chees mufins then realized - not for the horse lady. All done for the other couple though. If I get it ready for the oven, I can sleep until 8:30..... What a plan. I am off to mix up the next baked oatmeal........
Wow...I don't know how you keep that kind of schedule. You are one in a million!
Nah! I have the kind of guests one does not mind doing for. She brought me so pesto she made for us and did a nice round upward on her rate. AND she pays cash and will be back in 4 or 5 weeks.
I was in bed at 3:30 and the sun woke me before the alarm did. All I hadto do when I got up was rinse the fruit, put it in the pan and dump the already prepared oatmeal mix on top. I remembered the sausage I had in the freezer and put it in foil to bake with the oatmeal. Very easy breakfast.
Tonight is blocked because tomorrow we leave early for DH's works to be juried. IF they deem him good enough, his work will be displayed for sale in several places around the State. When one door closes - another one opens!

Not to outdo Kathleen, but we had 1500 in town for a half ironma n triathalon, so every room in the environs was booked plus 30+ miles in any direction. And the temperatures were ridiculous. So the event organizers shortened the course to an Olympic distance and started the race early. So I served 9 people breakfast at 4am. Menu consisted of athletes' food: bananas, bagels, boiled eggs and oatmeal, and "support staff" food, scrambled eggs, sausage and muffins. Fruit/yogurt for all. Buffet style with lots of paper plates.

Not to outdo Kathleen, but we had 1500 in town for a half ironma n triathalon, so every room in the environs was booked plus 30+ miles in any direction. And the temperatures were ridiculous. So the event organizers shortened the course to an Olympic distance and started the race early. So I served 9 people breakfast at 4am. Menu consisted of athletes' food: bananas, bagels, boiled eggs and oatmeal, and "support staff" food, scrambled eggs, sausage and muffins. Fruit/yogurt for all. Buffet style with lots of paper plates..


Not to outdo Kathleen, but we had 1500 in town for a half ironma n triathalon, so every room in the environs was booked plus 30+ miles in any direction. And the temperatures were ridiculous. So the event organizers shortened the course to an Olympic distance and started the race early. So I served 9 people breakfast at 4am. Menu consisted of athletes' food: bananas, bagels, boiled eggs and oatmeal, and "support staff" food, scrambled eggs, sausage and muffins. Fruit/yogurt for all. Buffet style with lots of paper plates..
YEA!!! We ARE the Better Way to Stay. can you see a hotel doing that? No way! Congrats!