Over the past few months, many innkeepers have noticed that BedandBreakfast.com has been testing a number of different ways to get more exposure for the industry and our members with Trip Advisor. We had not announced anything as we were not sure how it was all going to work. After a few months of working with them, we have now finalized a plan and I wanted to get the word out since we have been getting so many questions.
Our plan is to have a link that shows up on the TripAdvisor page for every BedandBreakfast.com member that goes to directly to their detailed listing on BedandBreakfast.com. This will provide consumers with one-click access to each property’s detailed BedandBreakfast.com listing with your phone number, website url (and multiple links), availability calendar links (if you have them), high-res photos, video (if you have it), maps, etc. Previously if a consumer wanted to find a property’s website or phone number they would typically have to leave Trip Advisor and go look up the property on a search engine. Now they can just click a link and get directly to a detailed page on your property. Properties participating in the BedandBreakfast.com Online Reservations program were shown as bookable through Expedia, but no direct property information was given and properties not in the program had no links. You will see this new link on the right-hand side of a property page, titled “Official Website” which is part of the paid sponsor link area.
Given the confines that Trip Advisor works within, this is a great step forward for small properties. Since Trip Advisor has no self-serve model, or any way for individual properties to become advertisers, this should open a new doorway to help get more and better information available to consumers about our industry and specifically our member properties. BedandBreakfast.com will be updating the list of member properties with Trip Advisor each month so that all new members are promptly loaded, and any expired members are removed. So far over ten thousand consumers have clicked over to BedandBreakfast.com detailed listings since we launched this final placement confirming our thinking that if we find a way to more prominently get the information available, more travelers will easily find the properties.
If you have any questions on this, please let us know. We will continue to monitor these links and we plan on keeping this integration going now as a permanent member benefit of BedandBreakfast.com.
Our plan is to have a link that shows up on the TripAdvisor page for every BedandBreakfast.com member that goes to directly to their detailed listing on BedandBreakfast.com. This will provide consumers with one-click access to each property’s detailed BedandBreakfast.com listing with your phone number, website url (and multiple links), availability calendar links (if you have them), high-res photos, video (if you have it), maps, etc. Previously if a consumer wanted to find a property’s website or phone number they would typically have to leave Trip Advisor and go look up the property on a search engine. Now they can just click a link and get directly to a detailed page on your property. Properties participating in the BedandBreakfast.com Online Reservations program were shown as bookable through Expedia, but no direct property information was given and properties not in the program had no links. You will see this new link on the right-hand side of a property page, titled “Official Website” which is part of the paid sponsor link area.
Given the confines that Trip Advisor works within, this is a great step forward for small properties. Since Trip Advisor has no self-serve model, or any way for individual properties to become advertisers, this should open a new doorway to help get more and better information available to consumers about our industry and specifically our member properties. BedandBreakfast.com will be updating the list of member properties with Trip Advisor each month so that all new members are promptly loaded, and any expired members are removed. So far over ten thousand consumers have clicked over to BedandBreakfast.com detailed listings since we launched this final placement confirming our thinking that if we find a way to more prominently get the information available, more travelers will easily find the properties.
If you have any questions on this, please let us know. We will continue to monitor these links and we plan on keeping this integration going now as a permanent member benefit of BedandBreakfast.com.