What should my rack card say?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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My new website's stalled because I'm swamped, but it's time to get a rack card done so it can be given to new students this fall. I know we talked a little about it last year, but we have lots of new people, and new perspectives, and I can't remember what was said last year anyway.
I'm going to do a rack card (I remember that much... rack is as good or better than tri-fold!). I have some decent pics to use. We have four rooms, are family friendly and modern (tv's, a/c, wifi, etc.) and comfortable. Beyond the obvious (name, address, telephone, website) what should I be sure to include?
Does it matter if it matches my website?
All marketing should have similarities....
Logo is the same on all items...Text font all the same....color schemes should be similar
You don't necessarily have to match the website exactly.......it should be that all are associated together....so that it can be easily identified...thus familiar.
Be sure to have your B & B name at the top of the rack card..so when it is put out it will still show up for people looking through the racks. Here's a sample to look at. DO NOT put alot of text. People will NOT read. Grab 'em with nice pics and then they can either call or view your web site.
if you have a minute, go to where you plan to put your cards and snap a couple pictures to review at home, also take a good look at the ones that YOU are drawn to.
when we had little, little money ... i made rack cards using vistaprint. 25 free rack cards or something like that. they sometimes have an offer to use your own pictures, still for free. so i played around this way ... got different ones ... this is so helpful for me ... because sometimes what looks great on screen does not look so great to me on the card.
As many photos as large as possible. It is better to have ONE BIG Photo than 5 teensy grainy photos.
Name at the very top so it peaks out of any rack card holders.
You can put a price range but don't put specific room rates - put a special on there if you want to grab people - website BIGGEST AND BOLDEST after BnB name.
Vista Print!!! You can make as few as you want or as many as you want, free B&W printing on the back. Nice glossy finish. Great price. Don't print up 1000, you will want to make changes to them and be stuck with them all.
http://www.vistaprint.com/rack-cards.aspx? view samples of them online til you find what peaks YOUR interest:
Have a look at their ready made templates and you can add your own logo or photos to those really easy and economical.
Here is a low rez copy of ours. Make sure the images are as high rez as possible! The reason I chose those colors were they stand out in the holders amongst all the others at the visitors center, most were burgundy.
Not that it has brought me business, it was just my theory at the time.
I mostly use them to send to local businesses and along with GC's and printed confirmations (which thankfully are few)
You can see ours at http://www.oakcreekbnb.com/images/oc_brochure.pdf
We have a map, photos, a listing of amenities etc.
Edited to add: I have ours linked on our website, so that visitors to the site can download it.
Here is a low rez copy of ours. Make sure the images are as high rez as possible! The reason I chose those colors were they stand out in the holders amongst all the others at the visitors center, most were burgundy.
Not that it has brought me business, it was just my theory at the time.
I mostly use them to send to local businesses and along with GC's and printed confirmations (which thankfully are few)
Do you want to design mine? That's really nice!
This is what the back has on it. I steered clear of typical stuff, it's just what I do. Just put bits and pieces of info on it. The back is free in B&W on Vista Print.
Hit ctrl+ if you can't see the print on this.
Just attended a seminar on marketing material and this was covered.
Name nice and bold at the TOP (same font & color as you have on all marketing material). Mine is at the top, and sometimes does not show if it is on a lower rack, BUT your name does not get you business when it is on the shelf, your pictures do the selling at that point!)
Nice - large, good quality picture(s).
Catch phrase...What ever you think will draw them to stay with YOU!!! - Why they WANT to stay with YOU.
Contact information and address... It depends on how you are going to use them, but if you will use them in racks, hand or mail outs, you want all your contact information on the front!
On the back:
MAP with a couple of key points of interests if this will help sell your place or provide reference.
Basic list of ememities (facility & rooms)
Rates - use a broad range (include high end event rates) or say starting at $X, subject to availability
If room, you could provide at least some policies such as - smoke free, no children, no pets etc..... This type of info will provide reader a general feel for your place.

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