What would you do... Noise?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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So, I'm sitting in the office and I hear this pounding noise. I do know that some guests can't seem to figure out how to close the bathroom door or the shower door in the room near the office.
Then again, there are kids next door who bang a basketball around in the driveway outside my window and it can sound pretty similar.
We couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but it was vibrating the house. Yeah, it was that loud.
Personally, I wouldn't do anything unless I heard something breaking. Or a guest complained about noise.
How about you? If you heard a guest banging either the bathroom door or the shower door pretty incessantly would you knock and inquire if there was a problem? (This went on long enough that Gomez came out of his man cave to ask if I knew what was going on. Which means it was very loud.)
I don't bother if it's the kids. They're little, they go inside early.
If I heard a loud noise that suggested a guest might be having an issue with some aspect of our accomodations/facilities, especially if it was repeated over and over, then I would investigate. First and foremost would be to make sure that the guest is okay, not hurt; second to determine if something is broken or not working as expected so that we can fix it; and third to ensure that whatever the guest is doing is not causing any (further) damage to our property...
Noises bother the heck out of me. I would be investigating it asap to determine if action was needed. If kids, no big deal. If guests, I would deal with it.
If I heard a loud noise that suggested a guest might be having an issue with some aspect of our accomodations/facilities, especially if it was repeated over and over, then I would investigate. First and foremost would be to make sure that the guest is okay, not hurt; second to determine if something is broken or not working as expected so that we can fix it; and third to ensure that whatever the guest is doing is not causing any (further) damage to our property....
I personally would investigate - don't want them breaking anything
Still have no idea. I have even tested that bathroom door several times trying to figure out why it seems so difficult for guests to close it. Not a clue. It doesn't stick, it closes easily and completely, but it seems every guest struggles with it.
Still have no idea. I have even tested that bathroom door several times trying to figure out why it seems so difficult for guests to close it. Not a clue. It doesn't stick, it closes easily and completely, but it seems every guest struggles with it..
what you need is a chum who doesn't know that room to go about in it (without being briefed in advance on any problem) and ask them to have a go at things see if that turns up anything.
Still have no idea. I have even tested that bathroom door several times trying to figure out why it seems so difficult for guests to close it. Not a clue. It doesn't stick, it closes easily and completely, but it seems every guest struggles with it..
what you need is a chum who doesn't know that room to go about in it (without being briefed in advance on any problem) and ask them to have a go at things see if that turns up anything.
Two friends stayed in the room a month ago. No issues.
Are they steaming up the shower and swelling the wood? seriously. Try that. Try taking a 20 minute hot shower and seriously steam up that room. If there's a fan, don't turn it on. If there's a window, keep it closed. If this repeats with other guests, something is happening.
And you can't put a camera in there.
Are they steaming up the shower and swelling the wood? seriously. Try that. Try taking a 20 minute hot shower and seriously steam up that room. If there's a fan, don't turn it on. If there's a window, keep it closed. If this repeats with other guests, something is happening.
And you can't put a camera in there.
Just normal use. Walk into bathroom, struggle with door. All year long. Not even related to weather conditions. Happens if it's damp or dry.
We just can't figure it out. I've dragged Gomez into that room and had him open and close the door. Nothing.
Oh well it was just that one night. Haven't heard anything like that again while the guests were here.
oh, I thought you said it happened with other guests. Who knows? Maybe (if it was more than one person) they were fighting. I loathed dramatic, door slamming couples.
oh, I thought you said it happened with other guests. Who knows? Maybe (if it was more than one person) they were fighting. I loathed dramatic, door slamming couples..
It happens all the time. It just seemed like these folks were having more trouble than most. Then again, it might well have been the kids next door. There's a wicked echo between the two buildings.
Still have no idea. I have even tested that bathroom door several times trying to figure out why it seems so difficult for guests to close it. Not a clue. It doesn't stick, it closes easily and completely, but it seems every guest struggles with it..
Morticia said:
Still have no idea. I have even tested that bathroom door several times trying to figure out why it seems so difficult for guests to close it. Not a clue. It doesn't stick, it closes easily and completely, but it seems every guest struggles with it.
A guest-hating ghost!
Could there be a problem with the latch mechanism on the door -- the strikeplate needing a slight adjustment -- such that some guests feel they need to slam the door shut in order to get the latch to engage and keep the door securely shut? The guests who are not having a problem either might not care that the latch hasn't engaged, so they're not slamming the door, or they use a firm tug rather than a slam (or from the other side of the door, a firm push) to get the latch to engage the strikeplate?
I am across from the VFD and they like to play baskets on the weekends - and yes, that bounce reverberates over here. The best room (and most rented) is a VFD facing room. I have made a pact with them - if there is a car in front of the house - they quit at dark. If there is no car, they can play until whenever.
If I heard a protracted noise from upstairs, I would go up, knock and ask if there was something I could do for them. The ensuite bathroom door only closes completely with butt action on the room side - closing from the bathroom side ain't happening. I explain this when I show the room. It IS an old house. If they are sharing a room, they are most likely very friendly.
Depends on the noise. If it continues and I think it needs to be looked into, I grab an ice bucket, add extra towels to cart etc and pretend to be going about my own business. It makes me look like a caring innkeeper, I can check into the problem, and they can ask me for help since I happen to be there anyways.

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