When you hear a loud boom and don't know where it came from!

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JunieBJones (JBJ)

Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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I hate that, what do I do run up and down and all around to locate the loud boom? Could be someone dropped a book or luggage.
Or a bed. Or a dresser was tipped over. I'm pretty good at deciphering things that go bump in the night, morning, afternoon. Comes from having teenagers who liked to sneak MOTOS (members of the opposite sex) into the house late at night...
One of our rooms has an old fashioned toilet lever that you need to push back down once the flush has done its job. Not usually a problem - it's well sign-posted.
Last night I had a very restless night and could hear the toilet running all night long. There was nothing I could do, but the longer it went on, the louder it got in my imagination and the less I could sleep.
When I hear something like that, I freak out thinking that it's a tree limb hitting the roof or something! We have not had too many of those big booms coming from inside the guestrooms in the house.
When we were cleaning our cottage during a rainstorm, there was a huge clap of thunder & lightning almost at the same time. We both looked at each other & said, "Dang! That was really close." Uh, yeah...that was the strike that hit the tree between our house & garage. Scared the beejeezus out of me! And we had that subsequent damage, so now I'm really jumpy when it comes to noises like that when it's raining.
No rain at all (we need rain!!) a very subtle breeze last night as we sat in the kitchen eating dinner and a branch came crashing down from our hickory (pecan) tree. This is a GIANT tree. About 1 minute later guests wandered through the same exact spot to get to the pond. WE FREAKED!
All we could think of was a squirrel was getting revenge on our dog and gnawed is off and tossed it at her! It was big enough to hurt someone. 5' long and 4 " thick.
We went out and there is was right on the footpath!
No rain at all (we need rain!!) a very subtle breeze last night as we sat in the kitchen eating dinner and a branch came crashing down from our hickory (pecan) tree. This is a GIANT tree. About 1 minute later guests wandered through the same exact spot to get to the pond. WE FREAKED!
All we could think of was a squirrel was getting revenge on our dog and gnawed is off and tossed it at her! It was big enough to hurt someone. 5' long and 4 " thick.
We went out and there is was right on the footpath!.
We had rain during the night & there is little tree debris down in both yards. Our yard guys are coming today so I'm letting them take care of it since I get charged so much!!
No rain at all (we need rain!!) a very subtle breeze last night as we sat in the kitchen eating dinner and a branch came crashing down from our hickory (pecan) tree. This is a GIANT tree. About 1 minute later guests wandered through the same exact spot to get to the pond. WE FREAKED!
All we could think of was a squirrel was getting revenge on our dog and gnawed is off and tossed it at her! It was big enough to hurt someone. 5' long and 4 " thick.
We went out and there is was right on the footpath!.
Crapoolah - that's scary. I torture myself with those "what ifs". In this case - Thank Goodness for fortunate timing.
The last time I had that experience, I woke up, ignored it and went back to sleep. It actually turned out to be a tornado that destroyed a big chunk of Brooklyn where I live. Now, I wake up and investigate.
I go back to sleep. I'll deal with it in the morning..
we have a ghost that lives in our cupola (supposedly)
every random thud i attribute to her. bugs the heck out of me when no one is here and i can't figure out what it is. could be pieces of house falling down, i don't know! sometimes it's seagulls fighting on the roof ... and they SCREAM!
I go back to sleep. I'll deal with it in the morning..
we have a ghost that lives in our cupola (supposedly)
every random thud i attribute to her. bugs the heck out of me when no one is here and i can't figure out what it is. could be pieces of house falling down, i don't know! sometimes it's seagulls fighting on the roof ... and they SCREAM!
Could be her. But don't let it bug you and keep you awake. If it's her, she doesn't mean any harm.
Seagulls, well, yes, they could be a problem!~
Me, I think I would just love the sound of the seagulls. I think if I didn't have that sound, I would miss it.