Do you try to find a good rate, do you book online to get a discount? Do you use AAA or AARP or Military ID? Do you look at an inn or hotel or lodges packages or discounts?
Do you feel that as innkeepers we should be more cognizant of this ourselves when guests are also looking to stretch their dollar and get the most bang for their buck? What do you do to make your guests happy in this area?
Even Bill Gates flies coach. I know I have stood in line in San Fran as he boarded next to me. (For anyone who does not know him as the richest man in the world or one of the top 10 richest as it is this year.)
Do you feel that as innkeepers we should be more cognizant of this ourselves when guests are also looking to stretch their dollar and get the most bang for their buck? What do you do to make your guests happy in this area?
Even Bill Gates flies coach. I know I have stood in line in San Fran as he boarded next to me. (For anyone who does not know him as the richest man in the world or one of the top 10 richest as it is this year.)