Okay just for clarification a directory pays for nothing IN THIS PROMOTION. It is the INNS themselves. The directory is just the animal to get the information out to the public. Sort of like a co-op.
If you SAVE $50 it is the inn offering you a discount. If you Buy One Night Get One Night Free - the Inn is paying for the second night. All costs involved.
Thank you for bringing this up, as we don't realize how many guests think it is some association or something that is footing the bill.
We pay to be on the directory, we pay annually. We pay for anything and everything. Which is what the stink was about on the other thread with less than appropriate notice given that now if YOU HAND ME a Gift Card with BandB.com printed on it, I will now get $80 on the room instead of what you are paying with it, $100. You pay with a $100
gift card - we get paid $80. We cannot say NO DISCOUNTS to those guests, so if I gave you a $10 off discount or $15 military discount - I am now getting $65.
So from $100 down to $65. Add into that food costs, flowers, electricity, extras like afternoon snacks or drinks, cleaning help (if applicable), time and work involved, and you come out with ...a headache..