I would be happy to give you our thoughts on why we are worth it and how you should look at your return on your investment, not the investment, but it does not sound by reading this thread, that you guys care to hear it so I will save us both the time.
I am not sure what age has to do with understanding (or not) revenue and yield management, ROI, etc. You would be amazed (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many innkeepers do not even track their web traffic so they have no way to make an intelligent informed decision as to ROI of their various directories investments and we travel across the country at our expense to present a seminar on that exact topic.. It doe snot matter that some innkeepers are in their 60s or 70's. That does not mean they understand how to do this stuff by default. Fortunately for us, most innkeepers see value in having someone help them understand how ot measure their ROI for this stuff and they are appreciative. It's a two-way street. We have said ALL ALONG that you should only do what works for you. If we are not delivering business to you for what we charge - you clearly should not pay us as we don't deserve your money. But if on the other hand, we are delivering $8,000 a year to you, we don't deserve to only make $250...