We are at a Marriott. Onyums bag behind nightstand - last night city manager left note that it was there (not ours BTW) - and tonight it is still there. We also found a hair pick on the floor under the drapes. So much for housekeepping at a very expensive, big name hotel that also is charging $9.95 + tax per day for Internet..
What is an onyum bag?
oceans said:
I am not the only one who didn't know!!! ha ha I had only heard of Funyuns.
I thought it was a type of provolactic, so just left it at that.
click here
OK, they probably are called Funyums - I knew they were onion flavored and Deb called them OnYums. Surprising as it is, I do not eat chips and stuff like that to actually know their real name. Thanks for setting me straight. No wonder everyone looked at me as to say "what the hell are you talking about?" If they looked behind that nightstand they will know.
gillumhouse said:
OK, they probably are called Funyums - I knew they were onion flavored and Deb called them OnYums. Surprising as it is, I do not eat chips and stuff like that to actually know their real name. Thanks for setting me straight. No wonder everyone looked at me as to say "what the hell are you talking about?" If they looked behind that nightstand they will know.
In the case of the hotel staff, I would not have been so helpful...I would have said, 'There is trash behind the nightstand and behind the curtains left from the previous guest. The room has not been cleaned. I will return at 7 PM and expect the room to be CLEAN. If it is not clean, I will expect the manager on hand to review the room with me and then I will expect a refund. If it is impossible for anyone on this staff to clean a room properly, I will expect the hotel to provide me with new linens so I can clean the room properly myself. If need be, I will provide my own cleaning supplies.'
They were just BEYOND the pale as far as I am concerned. I have NEVER had that sort of problem anywhere, ever. They NEEDED to hear how bad their service is. And I'd still be writing to corporate and explaining that you were there representing WV tourism and you were appalled. Heck, I'M appalled and I'm 700 miles away!
You and your manager put up with too much in my opinion.