Define "Cabaret"

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Please do not look the word up in the dictionary. I want to know in the local vernacular what the word 'cabaret' means. I will explain why when I get a few definitions...
A place that serves booze and features music and topless women.
(Note - not the same as a topless stripper bar, this is more upscale and men and women dine or drink there and enjoy the entertainment.) There is no local venacular, we do not have clubs or anything like that here in this town. In San Diego a Cabaret would be an "all male revue" ie men in drag performing.
No Caberets here. Just bars, sports bars, Lady Godiva type bars....
To me a Caberet would be a place with booze, cigarette smoke thick enough to cut with a knife, and entertainment - singers, comedian,,,,, not a girlie bar. It would be a place with a cover charge and 2 drink minmum, coat & tie required.
Here it's a dinner theater, with mostly college kids and local talent putting on Broadway musicals...quite a different meaning , eh?
70's musical featuring liza minelli ... in cabaret, un cabaret oh cabaret ... i think.
Cabaret here would mean a musical event, probably with alcohol. We do an annual fundraising event we call a revue, without alcohol.
OK, good's why I asked...we have a cabaret here in town. It's a place where you can get dinner or just upscale snacks, drinks, hang out and chat with friends, listen to music, dance. They have a comedian some nights, other nights they have good bands of all stripes. It's a place I could go to by myself and not have a care. (Smoking isn't allowed here at all indoors in public places, so no smoke you could cut with a knife!)
Why I asked for the def...I have a lone guy here visiting family. His visit is over, he's just catching a plane in the morning. He was joking about following the girls headed out to the wedding and being a 'wedding crasher'. I figured he would like a nice place to hang out and maybe chat with some folks (he's married, so not, as he said, 'looking'). I said, 'Well, we have a cabaret you might like,' and I went looking for the coupon I have for $2 off a drink or admission.
He looked at me like I had 2 heads. 'You mean a lingerie club?' I said, 'What?!! Where are you from?' and I looked at his rez form to see where he's from. Then I explained what I mentioned above. He was all embarassed. But he took the directions when I told him what the word means here.
Cabaret here would mean a musical event, probably with alcohol. We do an annual fundraising event we call a revue, without alcohol.
Where have you been? We have missed you.
The other Kathleen
Cabaret here would mean a musical event, probably with alcohol. We do an annual fundraising event we call a revue, without alcohol.
Where have you been? We have missed you.
The other Kathleen
We're finally doing B&B....just been really busy with that and all the final touches on the place. Still painting...gutters went on the outbuilding 2 days ago. Makin' hay.....had to drop in here (while waiting for guests to check in) today to see what's happening....
-Kathleen M.

If you told me about it with out my knowing what it was actually, I would also think it was a slightly sleazy music/show and drinks show. Like in Vegas, women go the shows that featuer topless dancers, not as a perv, but part of the Vegas show scene. Now the leaflets that are flying around the Strip for porn clubs is another story and the mustang ranches and all of those. UGH
You had mentioned it before or I saw a blog article, so I kinda already knew what your one is all about.
OK, good's why I asked...we have a cabaret here in town. It's a place where you can get dinner or just upscale snacks, drinks, hang out and chat with friends, listen to music, dance. They have a comedian some nights, other nights they have good bands of all stripes. It's a place I could go to by myself and not have a care. (Smoking isn't allowed here at all indoors in public places, so no smoke you could cut with a knife!)
Why I asked for the def...I have a lone guy here visiting family. His visit is over, he's just catching a plane in the morning. He was joking about following the girls headed out to the wedding and being a 'wedding crasher'. I figured he would like a nice place to hang out and maybe chat with some folks (he's married, so not, as he said, 'looking'). I said, 'Well, we have a cabaret you might like,' and I went looking for the coupon I have for $2 off a drink or admission.
He looked at me like I had 2 heads. 'You mean a lingerie club?' I said, 'What?!! Where are you from?' and I looked at his rez form to see where he's from. Then I explained what I mentioned above. He was all embarassed. But he took the directions when I told him what the word means here..
We would call the former a "nightclub" here and the latter, a strip club, topless bar or gentleman's club...
OK, good's why I asked...we have a cabaret here in town. It's a place where you can get dinner or just upscale snacks, drinks, hang out and chat with friends, listen to music, dance. They have a comedian some nights, other nights they have good bands of all stripes. It's a place I could go to by myself and not have a care. (Smoking isn't allowed here at all indoors in public places, so no smoke you could cut with a knife!)
Why I asked for the def...I have a lone guy here visiting family. His visit is over, he's just catching a plane in the morning. He was joking about following the girls headed out to the wedding and being a 'wedding crasher'. I figured he would like a nice place to hang out and maybe chat with some folks (he's married, so not, as he said, 'looking'). I said, 'Well, we have a cabaret you might like,' and I went looking for the coupon I have for $2 off a drink or admission.
He looked at me like I had 2 heads. 'You mean a lingerie club?' I said, 'What?!! Where are you from?' and I looked at his rez form to see where he's from. Then I explained what I mentioned above. He was all embarassed. But he took the directions when I told him what the word means here..
We would call the former a "nightclub" here and the latter, a strip club, topless bar or gentleman's club...
inncogneeto said:
We would call the former a "nightclub" here and the latter, a strip club, topless bar or gentleman's club...
I just heard hubs explaining the whole thing again to the same guy.
We had a later check-in ask where they could go after dinner for drinks and music and hubs told them we have a 'nightclub' in town. Hubs also suggested I contact the owners, who we know, and mention the rather risque connotation the name has elsewhere which may explain why they don't see as many tourists as they expected. Locals, yeah, no problemo. Tourists may have a different idea right off the bat.
Heck, after that guy, I came right in and asked hubs, 'What's a cabaret?' and he said, 'Strip club.' And he KNOWS what this place is for Pete's sake.
Okay here is the word that I associate with cabaret - BURLESQUE! I knew I would think of it eventually.
Comedy, music, and burlesque. (strip tease)
I guess the reason I had the female impersonators in mind as in SD and Sydney there are plenty of Burlesque clubs, and that is what it is, men wearing big wigs, big false eyelashes with heavy makeup to cover their 5 oclocke shadow, big hats and other BIG things they flash up top.
A place where you may get a dinner and show. Can be just a show where tables are set up cabaret style and you bring your own snacks. Yale has a student run cabaret and two of our guests, Mom and 18 year old daughter (birthday was yesterday) went to it last night. It was dinner and comedy performances. I guess it means different things to different people in different parts of the country.
A place where you may get a dinner and show. Can be just a show where tables are set up cabaret style and you bring your own snacks. Yale has a student run cabaret and two of our guests, Mom and 18 year old daughter (birthday was yesterday) went to it last night. It was dinner and comedy performances. I guess it means different things to different people in different parts of the country..
JeannineIrish said:
A place where you may get a dinner and show. Can be just a show where tables are set up cabaret style and you bring your own snacks. Yale has a student run cabaret and two of our guests, Mom and 18 year old daughter (birthday was yesterday) went to it last night. It was dinner and comedy performances. I guess it means different things to different people in different parts of the country.
Which is why I want to contact the owners. Not to say, 'Change the name,' but to let them know in case they want to change their marketing. My guest is from TX. Hubs has been in the Navy. There's a whole crowd of guests out there who don't know what 'cabaret' means HERE.
i think it sounds like great fun!
they should make up posters - live music and entertainment, great food - with pics like on their website. and then pass them around to local businesses like you. i bet it will take off! i'd go.
i think it sounds like great fun!
they should make up posters - live music and entertainment, great food - with pics like on their website. and then pass them around to local businesses like you. i bet it will take off! i'd go..
seashanty said:
i think it sounds like great fun!
they should make up posters - live music and entertainment, great food - with pics like on their website. and then pass them around to local businesses like you. i bet it will take off! i'd go.
We've been around and around with them on this all summer. They were bringing a calendar around. I could point right at it, refer to it on my 'To Do' bulletin board, etc. They were also bringing 50 sheets of paper every week, that I was just using for scrap paper because no one took them. I told them to make up some business cards with directions & the $2 off coupon and those would go like hotcakes. No one is going to walk around with a sheet of paper to go to a nightclub.
They are working on so many projects right now and they get a good response from the 'sheets of paper' marketing at the hotels, that they aren't listening. Their marketing coordinator went back to school so there isn't even the regular weekly visit now.
I immediately thought to myself:
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a cabaret, old chum.
Come to the cabaret.
Come taste the wine.
Come hear the band.
Come blow your horn
Start celebrating
Right this way your table's waiting.
I learned a lot of lyrics when I was young...
I found the entire lyrics at:
I think of relatively high class dinner club with dancers doing the Can Can...
I immediately thought to myself:
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a cabaret, old chum.
Come to the cabaret.
Come taste the wine.
Come hear the band.
Come blow your horn
Start celebrating
Right this way your table's waiting.
I learned a lot of lyrics when I was young...
I found the entire lyrics at:
I think of relatively high class dinner club with dancers doing the Can Can...
YellowSocks said:
I immediately thought to myself:
What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a cabaret, old chum.
Come to the cabaret.
Come taste the wine.
Come hear the band.
Come blow your horn
Start celebrating
Right this way your table's waiting.
I learned a lot of lyrics when I was young...
I found the entire lyrics at:
I think of relatively high class dinner club with dancers doing the Can Can...
Pretty cool if she has a high class club with dancer's doing the can our toothless banjo playing moonshiners we have round here!
