Flat panel TV's?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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If you have flat panel TV's, what kind do you like? I need one for the living room to replace the boat anchor of a TV that is there now. I regain a lot of floor space if I hang it on the wall.
We have a Hitachi in our living room and a Toshiba in our bed room. I love them both. I have new ones in the guest room they are View Sonic. They are so upscale looking. You will be so happy with the flat screen they take up so much less room. I guess my favorite is the Hitachi.
We have a Samsung (sp?) 32 inch larger one in the library and sony smaller ones in the rooms. They all seem fine. I understand the bigger one goes the less sharp the image.
We have a 20 something Samsung in our bedroom and 19" HDTV w/DVD Best Buy store brand in all the rooms. They are ALL awesome. Guests love them. We are buildin our DVD library now and DW is a real Netflix fan.
my son sells them socket2you.com ... his name is dave if you want to shoot him a question or two.
i am amazed how thin they've become. like computers ... we used to have those giant monitors about 1 1/2 feet deep. not so very long ago ..... was it???
We got 26 inch Sanyo from Walmartfor our rooms. Not bad for under $300.
my son sells them socket2you.com ... his name is dave if you want to shoot him a question or two.
i am amazed how thin they've become. like computers ... we used to have those giant monitors about 1 1/2 feet deep. not so very long ago ..... was it???.
My laptop monitor died...I am back to using that 50 lb external monitor I bought 10 years ago. To think I used to install those things! I was in such good shape back then to heave those monitors out of the boxes and onto someone's desk!
Does anyone here have a Sony? I want to treat myself to a 52" Sony but I am really confused on all the models.
Funny you ask ... our old TV just started making an arcing noise and smoking the other day. We promptly got rid of it. Just bought a new Samsung 40" LCD. It got great reviews and I am very happy with it. It is crisp and has a wider viewing angle than most LCD's.
Our old TV was not even of the same era as HD and we are still in a bit of shock everytime we are watching some show that broadcasts in HD...it is pretty amazing.
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot.
We have a Sony Bravia..I think ours is 42 inches. We were first adopters...spent over $3000 for it...but love it and now with actual HD direct tv...PICTUR IS GREAT!!!!!
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot..
InnsiderInfo said:
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot.
Nothing to do with TV's, but a hint about Amazon...if you repeatedly check prices on an item, they have been known to raise the prices each time you check.
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot..
InnsiderInfo said:
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot.
Nothing to do with TV's, but a hint about Amazon...if you repeatedly check prices on an item, they have been known to raise the prices each time you check.
Sorry if I am buying something as a 40 inch Flat screen TV, I am NOT buying it on line...I am seeing it in person at a store and taking it home in my hot little hands:)
SONY flat panel( slim) in the Inn suite, sits on the fireplace mantle. Guest have not complained yet. The 2 bedrooms there have regular flat screen box type TV's. Mary in Bridgewater.
We have a Sony Bravia..I think ours is 42 inches. We were first adopters...spent over $3000 for it...but love it and now with actual HD direct tv...PICTUR IS GREAT!!!!!.
catlady said:
We have a Sony Bravia..I think ours is 42 inches. We were first adopters...spent over $3000 for it...but love it and now with actual HD direct tv...PICTUR IS GREAT!!!!!
We have the same thing but got ours at Sam's Club for about half that price. We origianlly bought a Philips 40+ screen, but it sucked (it would be a blank screen when we turned it on) and when I called their tech support, they told me I had to download some type of software and using my USB drive upload it into the T.V.'s port...I was totally confused, the customer support person was a snot nosed brat who need to have her butt paddled and I dont put up with crap like that so I took it back and we paid the difference for the Sony. I have always owned Sony products from stereo systems, walkmans (remember those things
), smaller TV's but I had heard that Philips made a good TV and I am sure they do if you dont have to put up with issues but Sony is the one and only in my book.
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot..
InnsiderInfo said:
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot.
Nothing to do with TV's, but a hint about Amazon...if you repeatedly check prices on an item, they have been known to raise the prices each time you check.
??? will have to check this out!
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot..
InnsiderInfo said:
We have a Samsung and a Sony. I like both, but for picture quality you really can't beat the Sony. Hubs spent 8 HOURS online one day comparing specs and prices before he chose. We bought both of them on Amazon, and the price was literally changing by the minute, each time he logged on it was up or down. Do you homework first but the prices have really come down a lot.
Nothing to do with TV's, but a hint about Amazon...if you repeatedly check prices on an item, they have been known to raise the prices each time you check.
??? will have to check this out!
seashanty said:
??? will have to check this out!
Cookies. Amazon tracks what you are viewing. If you are 'price hunting' they raise the price. Kind of like saying, 'Make up your mind already!' I would bet lots of sites do that.
When I shopped for these, Sony was always the best. Having said that, I don't have a Sony. When I was looking for them, they were still quite new and too expensive for my budget.
Generally, every TV for which I have ever shopped my whole adult life, Sony was always the best, hands down.
I have a Sylvania in the living room and smaller ones in my staterooms - can't remember the brand. I'm happy with what I've got, and I just love how I can hang them on the wall like a picture. On a boat, space is such a precious thing.
I don't think they make tube TVs anymore, do they? When we were at the store a few weeks ago buying a new refrigerator, all of the TVs were the flat panels.
We have two Sony's, one in each guest room. The first one we bought, has a conflict with the IR (Infrared) signal with our Cox remote. Hubby can do it, and most guests can do it, but I haven't quite gotten the knack. Bought that digital flatscreen in January. Like the picture. That being said, we purchased one for our suite in May. Slightly different model, but basically the same. This one has no conflicts with the IR signal and we like it a lot. Got one at Best Buy and the second one at Wal-Mart. Somewhere around $550 each. We have a tube TV in the common area, as well as our own bedroom. Hate to throw out something that works...The best stuff always goest to the guests...