That would constitue a 'cleaning fee' in my book. Are the guests still there?.
The Farmers Daughter said:
That would constitue a 'cleaning fee' in my book. Are the guests still there?
they're gone. the laundry is still running so the jury is still out on whether or not the sheets and mattress pad are a total loss or not.
laundry beeped so i had a look. sheets done in top loader with bleach and cold water, clean. mattress pad done in front loader with bleach and sanitise cycle, clean. carpet is dry and clean.
MooseTrax said:
The Farmers Daughter said:
That would constitue a 'cleaning fee' in my book. Are the guests still there?
they're gone. the laundry is still running so the jury is still out on whether or not the sheets and mattress pad are a total loss or not.
laundry beeped so i had a look. sheets done in top loader with bleach and cold water, clean. mattress pad done in front loader with bleach and sanitise cycle, clean. carpet is dry and clean.
Thats great! What laundry detergent do you use?
If you pre-treat bloodstains with hydrogen peroxide, they come out much better when you wash them.
Unless it's on your towels, a la pro active solution!
We get our share of folks using an extra bathroom every now and then and have taken to locking all the unoccupied rooms if we get that "funny vibe" to quote one of my favorite bands Living Colour.
I'll fall back on my long held philosophy that the things we overlook, excuse or condone through silence out of fear of a bad review or hard feelings, we bestow that type of guest on the rest of the innkeeping world the next time around.
Seeing how you dodged the bullet on damage this time, I'd learn from it and trust your instincts on how to handle it from this point on.
That being said, I know what a tub of OxyClean costs, bottles of Shout, the electricity to put something though the washer multiple times and your time fretting over it. So in a similar case where no apology or alerting you to the problem was afforded, thats non-accidental damage in my book.
Even in the few cases where a woman had an "accident" here, she has usually taken "Her Royal Highness" aside and alerted her to the issue.