I have SuperInn also and can print out the housekeeping report and/or the availability chart so dh can see what the guest status is. What works best??? The whiteboard on the side of the fridge like Jeanne uses. I have a week grid on the top (where I can change the dates) and the room names to the left. I put the guest names & special notes along with brekkie times. It is the BEST thing for my dh to see at a glance....fluorescent markers and all
I absolutely agree the whiteboard is the way to go. I never did use the SuperInn printout, too much paper to print it out everyday.
I print out the availability chart with a bigger range of days every once in awhile...carry it with me to the store etc. for phone calls. & put it in my pocket when cleaning in case my addled brain gets confused.
Like Jeanne, I'm the keeper of the info....dh can't seem to remember but he's not dealing with it all the time like I am.