MooseTrax said:
what sorts of things do you have your housekeeper doing when the rooms are finished and you want to make sure she gets her hours in so she doesn't look for other work?
Let's see.....DW has me doing the windows, the yard and acreage, the website, the bookkeeping......Ooooh, you mean those B&Bs that can afford to hire a housekeeper. It must me nice..
I couldn't afford not to hire someone to help me out part-time. It's cheaper than a chiropracter, mental health hospital, spa, or hospital stay
Samster said:
I couldn't afford not to hire someone to help me out part-time. It's cheaper than a chiropracter, mental health hospital, spa, or hospital stay
We have, I think, found a lady who will work for us part time right now. She has her own cleaning business so I don't have to hire an employee which I like. Today will be her first day to turn our rooms for us. I have my fingers crossed.
She also works at another local inn part time, so might turn out to be good!
Yay! That is what I like about my housekeeper help - she's an independent cleaning contractor. She stopped by for just an hour & a half today and helped me finish my last room from the weekend. It totally made my day go better just to have that little bit of help. I hope you find the same thing too!

Samster said:
Yay! That is what I like about my housekeeper help - she's an independent cleaning contractor. She stopped by for just an hour & a half today and helped me finish my last room from the weekend. It totally made my day go better just to have that little bit of help. I hope you find the same thing too!
Oh I think I'm lucky with this one.. DH said she called that she would be 45 minutes late - she had a job before me which was also a first time and they had the nerve to have her clean while a household of family was visiting so she had to move stuff in every room to clean and put it back. That's rude...
She did a fantastic job of the two rooms - deep cleaned and sparkly! I'm blessed! DH was able to work in the vineyard so all were happy! Cross my fingers I can keep her happy!!!
I always have extra baked treats for my housekeeper

I pay her well and she loves coming here. It's totally different than cleaning regular houses, she says.
Samster said:
I always have extra baked treats for my housekeeper

I pay her well and she loves coming here. It's totally different than cleaning regular houses, she says.
You would be a great boss.
I had a diversion today and went to Dollar Tree and Big Lots and our favorite Chinese place. My fortune cookie was full of insightful insults, it read: "You are given to much perfection" the girls laughed out loud at that one!
I had someone hired who just couldn't make it to work before 3 or 4pm. What? Couldn't get up and out of bed til 1pm. When I collected my cleaning cupboad key in exchange for her paycheck she gave me a bag full of dove chocolates and soaps and shampoos she had taken. I thought that was odd, at least she had a conscience. She was nice enough. I wished it had worked out. I was going behind and recleaning stuff was for the best.
You are sooooooooooo sweet to say that! I am also a demanding boss. haha! I am totally a perfectionist and can be a pain, but I try to always give the reason for why things have to be just so.
My housekeeper brings ME stuff. I have little ducks by all the jetted tubs and she found some at the Dollar Store the other day and brought me some! Never wants any money for it.
I guess I am a little untrusting because I work on the occupied rooms with her. I guess if something comes up missing, it will always come back to me. I will let her do the flips on her own.
Like Bree, I always round up on the hours and I also provide lunch. I remember what it was like when I worked at a large inn & got zip, nada, zilch.