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Mar 11, 2009
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Googled my B&B name and (pages in) I have a comment I made on this site,also photos a guest (a few nice comments) posted on Flicker there with the inside of the Cottage...You never know.....Mary in Bridgewater
Oh, yes, every post on this forum is only a Google search away...
another reason to be incognito!
OH WOW. I never thought about that. My old name was probably a little to easy to figure out. I am one of the innkeepers in Hawaii I hope if you think about it the person I was will be crystal clear. I am now incognito. mahalo! (Thank you)
OH WOW. I never thought about that. My old name was probably a little to easy to figure out. I am one of the innkeepers in Hawaii I hope if you think about it the person I was will be crystal clear. I am now incognito. mahalo! (Thank you).
Somewhere in Paradise said:
OH WOW. I never thought about that. My old name was probably a little to easy to figure out. I am one of the innkeepers in Hawaii I hope if you think about it the person I was will be crystal clear. I am now incognito. mahalo! (Thank you)
And here I was going to welcome you to the forum!
Yes, that's why several people are incognito...
That's exactly why most of us use aliases. We don't want our comments to be known to outsiders who might recognize us.
inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe.
inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe..
Jo Bloggs said:
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here -
And did you find a different attitude to your posts?
OH WOW. I never thought about that. My old name was probably a little to easy to figure out. I am one of the innkeepers in Hawaii I hope if you think about it the person I was will be crystal clear. I am now incognito. mahalo! (Thank you).
Yep...welcome back as your inn-cognito self, Paradise :)
inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe..
Jo, I just caught on a couple of days ago that there was no "e" and you mentioned a dh so I now am assuming you are female. It took me by surprise, but it was interesting to ask myself if I would have posted any different to you. I don't think I would. Interesting though!
inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe..
Jo, I just caught on a couple of days ago that there was no "e" and you mentioned a dh so I now am assuming you are female. It took me by surprise, but it was interesting to ask myself if I would have posted any different to you. I don't think I would. Interesting though!
Breakfast Diva said:
Jo, I just caught on a couple of days ago that there was no "e" and you mentioned a dh so I now am assuming you are female. It took me by surprise, but it was interesting to ask myself if I would have posted any different to you. I don't think I would. Interesting though!
Yes some have posted differently. Some have had alpha male reactions to my posts as a male, so I left it as that.

inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe..
I was noticing on our side bar here that a book called "Joe Bloggs becomes a Christian" was for sale on there. It is interesting the things that show up there to buy.
That's exactly why most of us use aliases. We don't want our comments to be known to outsiders who might recognize us.
I was wondering why there are very few links back to the respective owners/innkeepers website. Hopefully I have not said anything untoward that I might regret. It would be helpfull, however to those of us who do not know which B&B you own or which website is yours that you are referring to, to perhaps have some sort of incognito list.
Just a thought
That's exactly why most of us use aliases. We don't want our comments to be known to outsiders who might recognize us.
I was wondering why there are very few links back to the respective owners/innkeepers website. Hopefully I have not said anything untoward that I might regret. It would be helpfull, however to those of us who do not know which B&B you own or which website is yours that you are referring to, to perhaps have some sort of incognito list.
Just a thought
Again ...names are changed to protect the innocent:) Some here just personally prefer that others don't know who or where they are. However some being good detectives seem to always find it out anyway:)
inncognito is what I call it. I have removed the E from my name so am officially female. JO
On the old forum when I had a male name I found a different attitude was given to my posts, so I did the same on here - although Joe Bloggs is an average person or "man on the street" or placeholder name, used in Australia often enough, instead of Joe Blow or John Doe..
Aha...I thought maybe you had some kind of surgery..... :)
I love ya, Jo, male or female.
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