oh. i'm pretty positive they are ladybugs.they are the ones i have seen my whole life growing up. i just don't want guests to think anything negative. i keep my eyes peeled all day long for them. i know it's just a passing phase & they will disappear but while these ladies visiting are getting on my nerves. but still, i've had a few guests who got on my nerves even more!.
Yup, it's just a passing phase. I wouldn't vaccuum them up. They are here for a week or two. And, I absolutely love when they show up. Brings back memories.
trishany said:
Yup, it's just a passing phase. I wouldn't vaccuum them up. They are here for a week or two. And, I absolutely love when they show up. Brings back memories.
An infestation in a guest room should be cleared away, tho, even if we choose to leave them alone in our own space. Either by vacuuming or scooping and tossing. Not every guest would welcome a window full of 'bugs'. Especially those who do not know what these bugs are! I'm not sure lady bugs are everywhere in the world and there are a lot of international travelers here right now. All anyone would need is a couple of ladybugs on a bed scare a guest into thinking 'that's a bed bug'.
We used to say, 'Lady bug, lady bug fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are alone.'