Ouch. That hurts. This is one reason TA reviews can be so harsh. You thought you were gracious. He thought he was kicked out. Of course, no one reads any policies you might have about when check-out is. We have them posted on the back of the door. Nicely done in calligraphy so not the standard hotel list, but it's right there where you would expect to find it..
bizarre that you were left a generous tip ... we get very little 'tippage' here. if he was genuinely unhappy, i think he would have put the tip in his pocket. um, crumbs IN the a/c?
anyway, you were fine to do what you did.
i overstayed in a hotel chain .. had been trying to connect with someone and they called just when checkout window was over (cell phone was dead) ... housekeeping just came right in and started to do their work. i wasn't offended and i knew darn well i should have been out of there. i bet he did, too.
seashanty said:
bizarre that you were left a generous tip ... we get very little 'tippage' here. if he was genuinely unhappy, i think he would have put the tip in his pocket. um, crumbs IN the a/c?
anyway, you were fine to do what you did.
i overstayed in a hotel chain .. had been trying to connect with someone and they called just when checkout window was over (cell phone was dead) ... housekeeping just came right in and started to do their work. i wasn't offended and i knew darn well i should have been out of there. i bet he did, too.
This is what they expected the housekeeper to do- start cleaning around their things. That is worng. You were on the hotel phone not by choice, he was well into his conversation and not willing to hang up or move out of the room as I stood there. He kept waving at me to come in and get started. I was stunned by that. What if she started the cleaning and they wanted tp use the bathroom? After it is cleaned? And then maybe put his feet on the bed that was made? When rooms are to be stripped they should be empty of guests and their belongings. Didn't someone here have that problem with suitcases being left behind when the guest was gon? In this case the gust was still there! Or apologize to me. He could have gotten up and walked out while on the cellphone, he just sat there turning this way and that in the chair wacving at me to come in. I didn't see the tip when I was trying to talk to him but I saw it later when I went to check to see how things were going. Maybe it was an apology tip?
As soon as he waved me in, I would have done just that, without a word. Start stripping like a whirling dervish. You didn't leave anything lying around that might get caught up in this, did you? Maybe you should hurry along. Hope the sound of the vaccuum doesn't drown out your phone call.
I would not actually clean or put together anything until the guest was out, but I would be getting stuff done.
Now that is something I couldn't do. Even when it's a fluff and guests walk in on me, I leave. I think I look at it as the whole 'servant' thing. Where you pay no mind to the servant because they're part of the furniture. And I realize that is an issue I have that maybe others do not. I guess that's how I would have looked at it if a guest waved at me to come in and clean the room they had not vacated. I've had guests do that on a fluff. They're watching TV and just wave at me to 'go about your business'. Nope. I find that awkward for me.
Nope. Guests leave first and then I would clean.
In this case it doesn't even sound like the guest excused himself from his phone call. It sounds like he just sat there waving. The way you would to the hired help, if you were that kind of person. Even tho it sounds like ssb-b is brand new at this, s/he shouldn't be treated in that cavalier manner.
Could be me reading waaaay more into this than there is, but we get guests like that here. I haven't had anyone snap their fingers at me in awhile, but it has happened and that's the feeling I get reading this.
You've had guests snap at you??? I would not handle that well at all.
swirt said:
You've had guests snap at you??? I would not handle that well at all.
Finger snapping, coffee cup waving. Yeah, I've seen too much of the ugly side. I will say it hasn't happened in 2-3 years so maybe I look a little more 'in charge' than I used to.
Bree said:
swirt said:
You've had guests snap at you??? I would not handle that well at all.
Finger snapping, coffee cup waving. Yeah, I've seen too much of the ugly side. I will say it hasn't happened in 2-3 years so maybe I look a little more 'in charge' than I used to.
Coffee cup waving. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I would not take lightly to that. not one bit.
Had a lady show up at the door a minute ago with a gift bag in hand. "Hi I am here for the baby shower."
me "No baby shower here."
She argues "Yes there is, they gave me directions and everything waving the invite in my face."
me "better double check your directions"
she "it says right here 215 elm st"
me -- I point to the numbers above the door which she is facing directly that says 195.
she "oh, i guess it is somewhere else."
me "i guess so." Unwilling to help this interrupter of my day find that somewhere else.
(End note -- the place next door is pathetic, I refuse, absolutely refuse to be their answering service, phone calls, people landing on my porch all the time. GET A CLUE MORONS!)