This would be a tough job, no wonder the pay is so appealing! I didn't read the application but just skimmed the website.
- 5 guest rooms to clean
- With water being conserved, they may use a laundry service!
- 3 meals a day to cook for +/- 15(?)
- transport guests to/from mainland -
- 2 trips made on some days
- 20 minute trip - each way
- Coast Guard commercial boat licence required
If this place is as busy as it seems, the few times when there is no one to clean after or cook for (except yourselves) I do not think I would be 'lonely' - I think I would be resting my weary bones..
Copperhead said:
This would be a tough job, no wonder the pay is so appealing! I didn't read the application but just skimmed the website.
- 5 guest rooms to clean
- With water being conserved, they may use a laundry service!
- 3 meals a day to cook for +/- 15(?)
- transport guests to/from mainland -
- 2 trips made on some days
- 20 minute trip - each way
- Coast Guard commercial boat licence required
If this place is as busy as it seems, the few times when there is no one to clean after or cook for (except yourselves) I do not think I would be 'lonely' - I think I would be resting my weary bones.
2 meals a day.
boat license is not biggee
I would love to be the Capt and cart people around. Make trips to the mainland for supplies. AWESOME! I think that is excellent! I guess I am an old salt, all of this appeals to me, as long as I was not the one stuck cooking and cleaning only. Hey sounds like here doesn't it!
The FOG horn is the only thing that would wear me down, the fog is intense in teh bay area, it would be common for days and days and weeks to be going off, that would make me insane. My cousin commutes in that fog and encounters the 30 -50 car pile ups all the time. Wouldn't want to deal with a boat hitting the island.