The top hotspots for germs, up to 48 hours after the sneezey sniffler has left the building...
But did you see the article...that this stuff is not effective against the new super bug in hospitals. Bleach is the only thing that will kill it!!! I am ready to put on my mask and rubber gloves when I set foot into a hospital again. The article said to ask your health care provider when was the last time they disinfected their stethescope???? how about waiting room chairs, examining tables etc etc. I know this sounds real paranoid..but the problem exists and it is getting worse.This is the reason I have a bottle of Purell in every room. As someone who was in the medical field in a past life, I use that stuff religiously..
Remember when hubs went into the hospital this spring? I was the one who got sick. I was in bed for a week after HIS surgery. I don't know if it was being in 2 different classrooms (went to the grands' school to see them) or if it was from the hospital. I couldn't move!Oh don't get me started on this one... I am a germaphobic.. Just saw that story on the news about all the germs in grocery carts from poopy baby diapers. I cringed when I put my purse in the cart. YUK.
And then my husband had surgery the other day...the outpatient waiting room had a phone in it with a sign that said "please answer this phone when it rings." Well everyone in that room was using that phone. By the time I picked it up several times, I kept getting out my hand sanitizer!!!!! I am writing the hospital about that. That should not be.
There should be one person in communication with the surgery and then they communicate with those in the waiting room. There were signs all over saying " please feel free to ask our staff if they have washed their hands." I am getting more and more concerned about this issue daily..
Anti-bacterial wipes should be banned and they are being banned in some places. They kill good bacteria as well as bad bacteria leaving us even more vulnerable. I don't have anti-bacterial anything in my house. I use bleach or tea tree oil which is a great disinfectant. Put 15 drops in a spray bottle and clean with it. Do the same thing with hydrogen peroxide.i am not a 'germaphobe'. i think we use too many antibacterial cleaning products that lower our resistance to germs.
i am allergic to triclosan that is an active ingredient in many hand disinfectant products ... purell i think has ethyl alcohol which ravages my hands sadly. so i am a hand scrubber with mild soap.
that being said ... in florida, the publix stores have wipes to wipe over the bar of the grocery carts ... a very good idea in my opinion.
i believe hospitals are one of the dirtiest places to be. i have worked in a couple ... too many viruses and germs floating around in the air maybe. not to be gross, but ill people waiting in er's or in admissions or just coming to visit ... coughing and hacking with problems like diarrhea, add poor hygiene, and it is very hard to contain the bacteria. introduce those issues into the environment around a person with a compromised immune system or someone having surgery and ..... it's a very serious problem. i used to take the alcohol wipes and run them over the phone, the keyboard, the computer mouse, the pens and the door knobs..
Oh I agree about washing hands...I wash them all the time... and TRY to keep away from my nose mouth and eyes..that is a hard habit to break.Anti-bacterial wipes should be banned and they are being banned in some places. They kill good bacteria as well as bad bacteria leaving us even more vulnerable. I don't have anti-bacterial anything in my house. I use bleach or tea tree oil which is a great disinfectant. Put 15 drops in a spray bottle and clean with it. Do the same thing with hydrogen peroxide.i am not a 'germaphobe'. i think we use too many antibacterial cleaning products that lower our resistance to germs.
i am allergic to triclosan that is an active ingredient in many hand disinfectant products ... purell i think has ethyl alcohol which ravages my hands sadly. so i am a hand scrubber with mild soap.
that being said ... in florida, the publix stores have wipes to wipe over the bar of the grocery carts ... a very good idea in my opinion.
i believe hospitals are one of the dirtiest places to be. i have worked in a couple ... too many viruses and germs floating around in the air maybe. not to be gross, but ill people waiting in er's or in admissions or just coming to visit ... coughing and hacking with problems like diarrhea, add poor hygiene, and it is very hard to contain the bacteria. introduce those issues into the environment around a person with a compromised immune system or someone having surgery and ..... it's a very serious problem. i used to take the alcohol wipes and run them over the phone, the keyboard, the computer mouse, the pens and the door knobs..
The other thing is to wash hands, wash hands, wash hands. The first thing my husband and I do when returning home from public places is to wash our hands with soap and water. We are training ourselves to keep our hands away from our faces when out. It's so easy to forget and to rub an eye or scratch an itch, though.
What??? They should always put a new one on for each patient.I was at the dentist yesterday for a cleaning.
What about the light they pull down after having their hands in your mouth? Sure they put new gloves on each time for new patients, but the light!
I had xrays as I hadn't had them for a few years. You have to bite down on this plastic bit for the panoramic ones. I asked her to put a new plastic bit on there before I bit onto it. Of course it ticked her off..
They showed a grocery store in MD last night on the news that has a cart washer which sprays a hydrogen peroxide solution over the carts. I think they said it cost $7,000 but the owner was really concerned and wanted to provide the service for his customers.What about the clerks pen at the grocery store? I have my pen in hand each and every time and never set my hand bag on the little rest or use it to write out a check, ever. There are wipes at that particular store as well and when someone offers me their cart - hot out of their hands I decline it. I go get a cold one from outside..
Oh I agree about washing hands...I wash them all the time... and TRY to keep away from my nose mouth and eyes..that is a hard habit to break.Anti-bacterial wipes should be banned and they are being banned in some places. They kill good bacteria as well as bad bacteria leaving us even more vulnerable. I don't have anti-bacterial anything in my house. I use bleach or tea tree oil which is a great disinfectant. Put 15 drops in a spray bottle and clean with it. Do the same thing with hydrogen peroxide.i am not a 'germaphobe'. i think we use too many antibacterial cleaning products that lower our resistance to germs.
i am allergic to triclosan that is an active ingredient in many hand disinfectant products ... purell i think has ethyl alcohol which ravages my hands sadly. so i am a hand scrubber with mild soap.
that being said ... in florida, the publix stores have wipes to wipe over the bar of the grocery carts ... a very good idea in my opinion.
i believe hospitals are one of the dirtiest places to be. i have worked in a couple ... too many viruses and germs floating around in the air maybe. not to be gross, but ill people waiting in er's or in admissions or just coming to visit ... coughing and hacking with problems like diarrhea, add poor hygiene, and it is very hard to contain the bacteria. introduce those issues into the environment around a person with a compromised immune system or someone having surgery and ..... it's a very serious problem. i used to take the alcohol wipes and run them over the phone, the keyboard, the computer mouse, the pens and the door knobs..
The other thing is to wash hands, wash hands, wash hands. The first thing my husband and I do when returning home from public places is to wash our hands with soap and water. We are training ourselves to keep our hands away from our faces when out. It's so easy to forget and to rub an eye or scratch an itch, though.
But..there are some places where you cannot wash your hands. I would have felt foolish running to the bathroom after each time I picked up the phone in hospital waiting room...though...I guess I still could hav done that. Anyway...I did send a message to the hospital about it and they have already responded back to me that they will discuss this and try to come up with a different way of doing things there. So that was a positive thing
I was at the hospital as well this week. Antibacterial hand spray gadgets all over the place - not liquid, but wall mounted, and masks in a wall container to help yourself while in the waiting area. I liked that!catlady said:Oh I agree about washing hands...I wash them all the time... and TRY to keep away from my nose mouth and eyes..that is a hard habit to break.
But..there are some places where you cannot wash your hands. I would have felt foolish running to the bathroom after each time I picked up the phone in hospital waiting room...though...I guess I still could hav done that. Anyway...I did send a message to the hospital about it and they have already responded back to me that they will discuss this and try to come up with a different way of doing things there. So that was a positive thing![]()
What??? They should always put a new one on for each patient.I was at the dentist yesterday for a cleaning.
What about the light they pull down after having their hands in your mouth? Sure they put new gloves on each time for new patients, but the light!
I had xrays as I hadn't had them for a few years. You have to bite down on this plastic bit for the panoramic ones. I asked her to put a new plastic bit on there before I bit onto it. Of course it ticked her off..
They should, but do they? I wanted it done in my presence.catlady said:What??? They should always put a new one on for each patient.
How on earth did any of us survive growing up in our germy worlds?? We developed immunities. We were not germophobic!!They showed a grocery store in MD last night on the news that has a cart washer which sprays a hydrogen peroxide solution over the carts. I think they said it cost $7,000 but the owner was really concerned and wanted to provide the service for his customers.What about the clerks pen at the grocery store? I have my pen in hand each and every time and never set my hand bag on the little rest or use it to write out a check, ever. There are wipes at that particular store as well and when someone offers me their cart - hot out of their hands I decline it. I go get a cold one from outside..
How on earth did any of us survive growing up in our germy worlds?? We developed immunities. We were not germophobic!!They showed a grocery store in MD last night on the news that has a cart washer which sprays a hydrogen peroxide solution over the carts. I think they said it cost $7,000 but the owner was really concerned and wanted to provide the service for his customers.What about the clerks pen at the grocery store? I have my pen in hand each and every time and never set my hand bag on the little rest or use it to write out a check, ever. There are wipes at that particular store as well and when someone offers me their cart - hot out of their hands I decline it. I go get a cold one from outside..
Our dear friend will be here tonight. He just got back - literally, from Asia. He spent time in Cambodia, Thailand, Korea, and inner China. This is how we survived growing up - most of us weren't in third world countries bringing stuff back and forth. SOme of us were, most of us weren't.ginocat said:How on earth did any of us survive growing up in our germy worlds?? We developed immunities. We were not germophobic!!
I know all about the deliberate and not so deliberate genocide of the indiginous peoples of North America, Australia, NZ and elsewhere.How on earth did any of us survive growing up in our germy worlds?? We developed immunities. We were not germophobic!!They showed a grocery store in MD last night on the news that has a cart washer which sprays a hydrogen peroxide solution over the carts. I think they said it cost $7,000 but the owner was really concerned and wanted to provide the service for his customers.What about the clerks pen at the grocery store? I have my pen in hand each and every time and never set my hand bag on the little rest or use it to write out a check, ever. There are wipes at that particular store as well and when someone offers me their cart - hot out of their hands I decline it. I go get a cold one from outside..
.Our dear friend will be here tonight. He just got back - literally, from Asia. He spent time in Cambodia, Thailand, Korea, and inner China. This is how we survived growing up - most of us weren't in third world countries bringing stuff back and forth. SOme of us were, most of us weren't.ginocat said:How on earth did any of us survive growing up in our germy worlds?? We developed immunities. We were not germophobic!!
I can tell you that any indigenous people had total immunity to what they were around every day, but as soon as someone foreign came in, also came with them the forign germs like small pox and other deadly killer diseases. I have a whole book about this subject in Australia. Aborigines suffered greatly when the British settlers moved in. I see there is a new movie coming out called "Australia" with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman. here is the preview. to totally sidetrack every further - comes out on Nov 26th.