Is the wallpaper moldy? Is it all peeling off or just the edge around the tub? If it is not moldy and it is just the edge along the tub, how about a row of tiles right over the wallpaper and along the edge of the tub?
We have taken almost all of the wallpaper out of our bathrooms but now we are faced with bleaching products that are stripping the paint right off the wall. Someone splashed some sort of personal cleaning product on the wall behind the sink adn it ran down the wall taking all the paint with it. New paint will not stick now. The whole wall will have to be sanded, primed and repainted. We didn't have that problem with the wallpaper!
In spite of wallpaper not being 'in fashion' it was traditional where I live so it stays in the bedrooms! Keep in mind that in some houses the only thing holding up the wall is the wallpaper!.
Bree said:
Is the wallpaper moldy? Is it all peeling off or just the edge around the tub? If it is not moldy and it is just the edge along the tub, how about a row of tiles right over the wallpaper and along the edge of the tub?
We have taken almost all of the wallpaper out of our bathrooms but now we are faced with bleaching products that are stripping the paint right off the wall. Someone splashed some sort of personal cleaning product on the wall behind the sink adn it ran down the wall taking all the paint with it. New paint will not stick now. The whole wall will have to be sanded, primed and repainted. We didn't have that problem with the wallpaper!
In spite of wallpaper not being 'in fashion' it was traditional where I live so it stays in the bedrooms! Keep in mind that in some houses the only thing holding up the wall is the wallpaper!
No the wall paper is not moldy. In fact its not even that old. This area was totally renovated in 2004. Its just curling along the edges and looks bad.
Someone had mentioned putting tile on the bottom to stop it from curling. An easier method would be if you could put some quarter round or molding if it's peeling from the bottom. If it's peeling other places, then all you can do is keep using wallpaper glue. That's what I do.
The previous owners of my place never saw a wall they didn't paper! Ugh!
Breakfast Diva said:
If it's peeling other places, then all you can do is keep using wallpaper glue. That's what I do.
The previous owners of my place never saw a wall they didn't paper! Ugh!
I hear that. I'm the paste queen. The ends you can deal with (Elmers is most effective) but the long pieced together areas on the wall are the tough ones. I understand they are supposed to overlap slightly to prevent this, but apparently the wallpaper hanger was unaware of that fact.
No wallpaper is not supposed to overlap. At least that is what I was taught. I papered alot back in the early 80' my regret now...for the folks who bought our house.
The edges are to be butted up to each other to match perfectly. However, if someone works to hard at the seams and pulls and tugs to get it in place and over washes too much glue out of the paper..then you get separation....especially bad in a wet damp area as you have. I got a wallpaper glue from the paint a squeeze tube. Can't remember the name of it now...but you could also try something like Aileens Craft glue which dries clear. I was thinking after it dried, then you could try spreading some clear silicone caulk over the seams.