'Earth- mostly harmless.''So long, and thanks for all the fish." -- Douglas Adams.
Rupie have you ever watched BBC comedy Black Adder? Rowan Atkinson plays personal assistant to the Prince George (Hugh Laurie) in the middle ages and often would say things like "Here you are Your High Ness You Bumbling Idiot" and smile and walk away. And The Prince would said "What? What was that Black Adder?" "I said, Enjoy your meal Your High Ness" "Oh yes yes" he would reply.
Click here for a youtube.
Joey Bloggs said:Rupie have you ever watched BBC comedy Black Adder? Rowan Atkinson plays personal assistant to the Prince George (Hugh Laurie) in the middle ages and often would say things like "Here you are Your High Ness You Bumbling Idiot" and smile and walk away. And The Prince would said "What? What was that Black Adder?" "I said, Enjoy your meal Your High Ness" "Oh yes yes" he would reply.
Click here for a youtube
Love the Black Adder/Monty Python/Faulty Towers and all British Comedy except for Benny Hill who I would like to slap for being an idiot....just sayin.
I cannot stand Black Adder. I don't know why. I've watched several different seasons of it where he's in different situations and I've just never liked it.Rupie have you ever watched BBC comedy Black Adder? Rowan Atkinson plays personal assistant to the Prince George (Hugh Laurie) in the middle ages and often would say things like "Here you are Your High Ness You Bumbling Idiot" and smile and walk away. And The Prince would said "What? What was that Black Adder?" "I said, Enjoy your meal Your High Ness" "Oh yes yes" he would reply.
Click here for a youtube.
Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today..
Sorry to hear it hope yu feel better - tomorrow is a new day! One more for the road from A Bit of Fry and LaurieRupert said:Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today.
Also a bottle of chardonnay got opened and I"m miraculously finding my sense of humor again...Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today..Sorry to hear it hope yu feel better - tomorrow is a new day! One more for the road from A Bit of Fry and LaurieRupert said:Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today.
Also a bottle of chardonnay got opened and I"m miraculously finding my sense of humor again...Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today..Sorry to hear it hope yu feel better - tomorrow is a new day! One more for the road from A Bit of Fry and LaurieRupert said:Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today.
A little bottle of sangiovese here...Rupert said:Also a bottle of chardonnay got opened and I"m miraculously finding my sense of humor again...
Amen. I am raising my glass to my fellow innkeepers...you all rock! Thanks for always being there.Also a bottle of chardonnay got opened and I"m miraculously finding my sense of humor again...Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today..Sorry to hear it hope yu feel better - tomorrow is a new day! One more for the road from A Bit of Fry and LaurieRupert said:Thanks JoeyHaving a rough day and nothing seems to be snapping me out of it. I'm enjoying the clips and have just cracked a smile for the first time today.
.A little bottle of sangiovese here...Rupert said:Also a bottle of chardonnay got opened and I"m miraculously finding my sense of humor again...
You hit the nail on the head. Plus we really haven't had restful weeks as we've been working so hard on painting and cleaning, so we're tired and a bit stressed on top of that.In some ways I find this time of the year to be harder than the really busy season - the winding up after a restful week with no or few guests is difficult. I have to put my game face on, be ready to switch things up with last-minute reservations and walk-ins - all that stuff I haven't had to do for a few weeks. I'm happy for the business, so I don't mean to sound like an ingrate. It just is a little harder to get it in gear..
You hit the nail on the head. Plus we really haven't had restful weeks as we've been working so hard on painting and cleaning, so we're tired and a bit stressed on top of that.In some ways I find this time of the year to be harder than the really busy season - the winding up after a restful week with no or few guests is difficult. I have to put my game face on, be ready to switch things up with last-minute reservations and walk-ins - all that stuff I haven't had to do for a few weeks. I'm happy for the business, so I don't mean to sound like an ingrate. It just is a little harder to get it in gear..
BUT...3.5 years in and the innkeepers have their OWN artwork hung in their living room on their freshly painted walls...no more looking at the PO's 30 nail holes in the walls! This is making me very happy,
Yes, after 7 years we are finally going to paint our own bedroom. It's not guest work but it's still not being on a beach somewhere.Rupert said:BUT...3.5 years in and the innkeepers have their OWN artwork hung in their living room on their freshly painted walls...no more looking at the PO's 30 nail holes in the walls! This is making me very happy,
You hit the nail on the head. Plus we really haven't had restful weeks as we've been working so hard on painting and cleaning, so we're tired and a bit stressed on top of that.In some ways I find this time of the year to be harder than the really busy season - the winding up after a restful week with no or few guests is difficult. I have to put my game face on, be ready to switch things up with last-minute reservations and walk-ins - all that stuff I haven't had to do for a few weeks. I'm happy for the business, so I don't mean to sound like an ingrate. It just is a little harder to get it in gear..
BUT...3.5 years in and the innkeepers have their OWN artwork hung in their living room on their freshly painted walls...no more looking at the PO's 30 nail holes in the walls! This is making me very happy,
I was 5 years in before I got my bedroom done. Now, in year 6, I'm getting the living room/kitchen/dining room combo done!Rupert said:BUT...3.5 years in and the innkeepers have their OWN artwork hung in their living room on their freshly painted walls...no more looking at the PO's 30 nail holes in the walls! This is making me very happy,