Sneezing, watery eyes, gasping for breath...

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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...from 20 feet away. I am in the kitchen and I can smell the perfume IN the guestroom, door is closed. It was like walking into a wall. I couldn't breathe it was so strong.
How the heck can we clean the room if neither of us can go near it?
oH Boy! i HAD one like that. I was joking to my husband about Millie staying with us forever!!! ANd she heard me!!! oooops...the perfume toned down after that..but it took me DAYS of cleaning and airing out to get rid of it!
Yuck. That's the worst. Can you open the windows and put a fan in there before you clean it?
Yuck. That's the worst. Can you open the windows and put a fan in there before you clean it?.
I can't even get near the room. My office is the door next to the room and I'm sitting in here with my door shut and my windows open and I still needed my inhaler.
Yuck. That's the worst. Can you open the windows and put a fan in there before you clean it?.
I can't even get near the room. My office is the door next to the room and I'm sitting in here with my door shut and my windows open and I still needed my inhaler.

so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled.
I am very fortunate this weekend five rooms all made their beds, reused their towels, very little trash and no perfume or strong scents. I really appreciate that, it makes my head clearer. We have had those overwhelming perfume wearers in the past, they probably douse it on while standing on the rugs and it festers for months. Murphy's law is that anyone who overpowers their environment in cologne or perfume wears a nauseating spicy scent. Those who wear a touch of perfume, wear subtle scents.
so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled..
Wow, those cookies look awesome!
facemask - i have a package i bought at home depot .... i've also seen them at cvs.
don't have one? tie a bandana or kerchief, or t-shirt over your nose and mouth like a facemask.
i'm not kidding.
so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled..
Wow, those cookies look awesome!
Yes those cookies sure look tempting. In fact yesterday I bought 2 bags of the UNWRAPPED kisses...thinking I would make something:) Maybe I will now.
Do you have an air purifier? We keep one in the kitchen. I would place that in the door for an hour or so prior to going in. I also heard that Oust spray was good at knocking out odors without creating a scent of it's own like Fabreze does. I had one that was real good - Odaban (?) but it has a scent as well.
Lots of perfume can kill my head too. Back when I commuted to work in a van pool, there was a man that took a bath in aftershave - 40 minutes in tight quarters with any overwelming odor is not good. We finally had to post a new rule - no smelly stuff until you get to work.
so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled..
Wow, those cookies look awesome!
Yes those cookies sure look tempting. In fact yesterday I bought 2 bags of the UNWRAPPED kisses...thinking I would make something:) Maybe I will now.
thanks, they are nothing fancy but one of my faves. classic peaniut blossoms. when i was little i ate the chocolate kiss first because i couldn't care less about the cookie but, now i eat the cookie first & save the kiss for last.
so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled..
If you had said your sisters were there yesterday, I would have said they're here today! That's it...sisters. Luckily, they did not come to breakfast like that. I don't know what I would have done.
For us here it is the men, rarely the women. I am thinking that any one who has the need to bathe in perfume is hiding something. I get an instant migraine as well as the allergies. I never know where my inhaler is (I know the lecture).
We can smell the scent sometimes for at least 2 days later. Would love to ask them to just have a shower. Thankfully we serve outside every day of the year, but would love to put a fan sometimes directly blowing at them and away from me. Would that be rude?
so funny you should mention perfume because this a.m at breakfast was the same thing here. 2 sisters travelling together were both bathed in perfumes. 2 different scents & one was as strong as the other. (wish it had been warm enough for breakfast on the porch) It reminded me that i need to call to get my puffer refilled..
If you had said your sisters were there yesterday, I would have said they're here today! That's it...sisters. Luckily, they did not come to breakfast like that. I don't know what I would have done.
It is interesting. I have an appt with a specialist in a few weeks and they sent me the paper work to bring with me.
At the top of their letter and FIRST THING it says in very bold print.
Good thing I use fragrance free hair spray ;-)
in the past few days, 2 of the reservations i have taken have inquired what we use for scented items. we don't use candles, air fresheners (this time of year, the air freshener is the good ol' fresh coastal air) incense,etc...
an innkeeper we know had, awhile back, gotten some free samples samples of these cute little spritzers to scent pillows & linens at bed time. (supposed to help relax ,induce a restful sleep) she asked if we wanted to try some. as cute as they were and i'm sure some people would love them, i said no, better not. i am just so used to growing up in a family where quite a few people have asthma, sensitivities, allergies, etc to things like that. even if i did not have asthma myself, i'm not so sure i would want my pillow spritzed with something in my guestroom if i was satying at a B&B. i suggested that she leave it in the room and they could use it at their discretion. i don't think i, personally, would even do that, but she really wanted to try them.