can your guests make themselves coffee or tea when they want?
i direct them to that.
if it is HOT which it is NOT here right now, i sometimes make up some lemonaid or iced tea but it often gets thrown away which is a disappointment and a waste.
at 9 pm i am doing last minute prep for the morning before getting ready for wind down to sleep. travelers are really on their own timetable, aren't they?
do you sometimes think it's because your name has 'inn' like me? people think we are staffed by actual multiple people. i called another 'inn' in a nearby village that is really an INN .. with a restaurant ... not a b&b but the breakfast comes with rooms ... and was switched from person to person to person to person ... different people would pick up the phone and answer ''xxkitchen ... xxlaundry ... xxhousekeeping ... xxreception ... xxoffice'' until they located her. i was like, wow! no wonder i saw the innkeeper once in three years - out walking his dog - but not at the inn.
sometimes, i want to answer the phone 'housekeeping' or 'kitchen' just for laughs!
seashanty said:
can your guests make themselves coffee or tea when they want?
i direct them to that.
Yes, I was trying to show her the tea & coffee setup as she was headed for the kitchen!
Turned out to be very nice, very chatty people, but it was late when they arrived and I was beat.
we have bottled waters and sodas (8 oz sizes) in a dorm frig on each floor. Guests were outside on our porch and one decided to refill the ice bucket herself.. we came into the kitchen just as she was opening up the freezer door.. we 'bout had a hissy fit - and insisted that we help her - in making our home a homey place for guests they don't understand the boundaries. We can let them know that it's our space and health dept regs, etc.. and sometimes it falls on deaf ears!
greyswan said:
we 'bout had a hissy fit -
Virginia is in the South. In the South, they do not have a hissy fit - they PITCH a hissy fit. Would not want you mistaken for one of them Damn Yankees.
gillumhouse said:
greyswan said:
we 'bout had a hissy fit -
Virginia is in the South. In the South, they do not have a hissy fit - they PITCH a hissy fit. Would not want you mistaken for one of them Damn Yankees.
Not all Virginians are southerners. Just ask any them around here and they will tell you. This is the only state that has northerners and southerners in the same state,
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
Not all Virginians are southerners. Just ask any them around here and they will tell you. This is the only state that has northerners and southerners in the same state,
The Tourism Region gurus cannot decide where West Virginia belongs. With some we are Mid-atlantic, with some we are south, with some we are north. However, although Virginia may have both southerners and northerners (WV has the same quandry), West Virginia is the only State that is in the defining delineation between North & South - part of it is north of the Mason-Dixon line and most of it is south of it. The border between Marshall County and Wetzel County is the Mason-Dixon..
People who crossed the Mason-Dixon to go to the Northern Panhandle to work (mines or steel mills mostly) are called Hoopies. Those who went south to work are called Peehoos.
gillumhouse said:
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
Not all Virginians are southerners. Just ask any them around here and they will tell you. This is the only state that has northerners and southerners in the same state,
The Tourism Region gurus cannot decide where West Virginia belongs. With some we are Mid-atlantic, with some we are south, with some we are north. However, although Virginia may have both southerners and northerners (WV has the same quandry), West Virginia is the only State that is in the defining delineation between North & South - part of it is north of the Mason-Dixon line and most of it is south of it. The border between Marshall County and Wetzel County is the Mason-Dixon..
People who crossed the Mason-Dixon to go to the Northern Panhandle to work (mines or steel mills mostly) are called Hoopies. Those who went south to work are called Peehoos.
Yes I can see that in WV. It is not a square or a simple rectangular shaped state, so there are diff angles with diff types of demographics.
We stayed in Cumberland Court House VA 18 miles to Farmville. In Farmville the Confederate army arrived nearly starved to death toward the end of the Civil War.
There is a plaquard that states General Lee and his sidekick received a letter here from General Grant telling them to give up or starve to death. General Lee and his sidekick said "Not yet."
Cumberland is just north of Appomattox, and about an hour this side of Richmond. This tiny town has a gas station and dollar general and the court house and that is it.
In front of this courthouse on July 1, 1863, Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart
(From our neck of the woods I might add) demanded that the Union General William Smith surrender and he replied, "shell and be damned." One of the columns bears the mark of the artillery barrage that followed before General Robert E. Lee ordered the Confederate cavalry unit to the Battle of Gettysburg.
and the rest is they say.