This woman has stayed here before, she is Eastern European and last time they stayed one night she called and called and called. I was out for two hours. In that time she had called 16 times according to my caller id - the last message was "Where are you? Why are you not taking my calls?"
Well I was on the other line taking a booking this morning and she called, left a message, "I do not understand why you need two night booking only on weekend!!" (It is Leaf Peeper Season here folks!) She called again and again and again and now I am not answering the phone as I do not like pesky callers and I do not like being held hostage...I have work to do.
What do you do with pesky callers? Tolerate them or just tell them sorry no rooms available? In person I did not recognize her as she was not pesky, but put a phone in her hand and voila pesky.
Well I was on the other line taking a booking this morning and she called, left a message, "I do not understand why you need two night booking only on weekend!!" (It is Leaf Peeper Season here folks!) She called again and again and again and now I am not answering the phone as I do not like pesky callers and I do not like being held hostage...I have work to do.
What do you do with pesky callers? Tolerate them or just tell them sorry no rooms available? In person I did not recognize her as she was not pesky, but put a phone in her hand and voila pesky.