Thanks Jay for keeping your feet wet in the newest technology. Though I have to say I think time spent writing on your blog would have a more lasting and helpful impact than a bunch of tweets....they are just to short and short-lived to convey any great wisdom. But hey if you have the energy to do both...tweet on.I too have been seeing problems with Twitter lately - processing has been VERY slow, and sometimes the process will "die" on me...and a page shows that says something like, "We're experiencing a high volume, we could not process your request." With the attention and new sign-ups they've been getting the past several weeks and months, I'll bet they're having a difficult time keeping up with demand.
I have a Twitter feed on my blog at A number of us will be "Tweeting" from the Innkeeping Show in Atlanta next week - live microblogging of what we're observing and thinking throughout the event. We are hoping to have a feed at, where all "Tweets" from "Twitterers" at the show will be posted real-time for everyone to see. This lingo is crazy, isn't it?.
Hmm gives me an idea for a bit of fun. Great works of prose condensed into a 140 character tweet.Thanks Jay for keeping your feet wet in the newest technology. Though I have to say I think time spent writing on your blog would have a more lasting and helpful impact than a bunch of tweets....they are just to short and short-lived to convey any great wisdom. But hey if you have the energy to do both...tweet on.I too have been seeing problems with Twitter lately - processing has been VERY slow, and sometimes the process will "die" on me...and a page shows that says something like, "We're experiencing a high volume, we could not process your request." With the attention and new sign-ups they've been getting the past several weeks and months, I'll bet they're having a difficult time keeping up with demand.
I have a Twitter feed on my blog at A number of us will be "Tweeting" from the Innkeeping Show in Atlanta next week - live microblogging of what we're observing and thinking throughout the event. We are hoping to have a feed at, where all "Tweets" from "Twitterers" at the show will be posted real-time for everyone to see. This lingo is crazy, isn't it?.
Hmm gives me an idea for a bit of fun. Great works of prose condensed into a 140 character tweet.Thanks Jay for keeping your feet wet in the newest technology. Though I have to say I think time spent writing on your blog would have a more lasting and helpful impact than a bunch of tweets....they are just to short and short-lived to convey any great wisdom. But hey if you have the energy to do both...tweet on.I too have been seeing problems with Twitter lately - processing has been VERY slow, and sometimes the process will "die" on me...and a page shows that says something like, "We're experiencing a high volume, we could not process your request." With the attention and new sign-ups they've been getting the past several weeks and months, I'll bet they're having a difficult time keeping up with demand.
I have a Twitter feed on my blog at A number of us will be "Tweeting" from the Innkeeping Show in Atlanta next week - live microblogging of what we're observing and thinking throughout the event. We are hoping to have a feed at, where all "Tweets" from "Twitterers" at the show will be posted real-time for everyone to see. This lingo is crazy, isn't it?.
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains: round the decay Of that colossal wr
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; a
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror
This one's definitely best!swirt said:So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror
Maybe I can apply to be a ghost tweeter!
When stars Twitter, a ghost may be lurking
Celebrities, politicians hire help to feed demand for wireless content
--International Herald Tribune[/FONT].
Had to happen. How could some of those people possibly be tweeting when they are obviously doing something else at the time! OK, I have to take that back...obviously the b-ball player was tweeting at half-time and his coach was not happy.JunieBJones (JBJ) said:Maybe I can apply to be a ghost tweeter!
When stars Twitter, a ghost may be lurking
Celebrities, politicians hire help to feed demand for wireless content
--International Herald Tribune[/FONT]
Out of curiosity, are you twittering as a form of business promotion or for personal friends/family connections?Again today I couldn't do anything on Twitter..
Strictly biz as none of my family would even know what Twitter is. And that includes the teens, but probably not for long.Out of curiosity, are you twittering as a form of business promotion or for personal friends/family connections?Again today I couldn't do anything on Twitter..
I don't tweet, at least not yet. I'm working on getting more content and activity on my fb page.
Do you have a link or something on your website for people to follow you on twitter? Do you know if you have a lot of followers? It sounds like it's less time consuming as fb.Strictly biz as none of my family would even know what Twitter is. And that includes the teens, but probably not for long.Out of curiosity, are you twittering as a form of business promotion or for personal friends/family connections?Again today I couldn't do anything on Twitter..
I don't tweet, at least not yet. I'm working on getting more content and activity on my fb page.
Do you have a link or something on your website for people to follow you on twitter? Do you know if you have a lot of followers? It sounds like it's less time consuming as fb.Strictly biz as none of my family would even know what Twitter is. And that includes the teens, but probably not for long.Out of curiosity, are you twittering as a form of business promotion or for personal friends/family connections?Again today I couldn't do anything on Twitter..
I don't tweet, at least not yet. I'm working on getting more content and activity on my fb page.
I don't have anything on my website about Twitter or FB. You know how many followers you have because it's in your profile. Plus you get an email everytime someone decides to follow you (if you sign up to get the emails). Which is what I was trying to do today...follow more other businesses.happyjacks said:Do you have a link or something on your website for people to follow you on twitter? Do you know if you have a lot of followers? It sounds like it's less time consuming as fb.