U.S. TRAVELERS ON THE MOVE EN MASSE THIS SUMMER[/h1]91 Percent of Americans Traveling for Leisure, According to Annual TripAdvisor Survey[/h2]Article here
I was ordering online until I got to the 'shipping and handling' page and saw it was going to be $10. Shut the window down right there. Immediately started receiving emails from the company for sales they were having. At least 1-2 a day.Off topic - I saw this great deal for Charleston yesterday, wow couldn't believe it...which made me not believe it, so I checked it out a bit. Well I put in the dates of travel and everything looked great then there was a tick box at the bottom "Yes I agree to a 90 minute presentation" and I closed the entire browser, nearly roped me in! It really irritates me, the find print was not even fine print. I did not enter my personal information, fyi.
This morning while preparing and serving breakfast the phone rings, what a shocker it is that company on line. Of course they did not say it was them at first, losers! I said "HOW DID YOU GET MY PHONE NUMBER? DID I ASK YOU TO CALL ME?"
So for anyone who calls back or emails when someone has not asked you to, don't!! If I wanted them to call me I would have asked them to call me, the leaches!
(This ties in only because it is re travel and I was ready to go to the beach! But not now...boo hoo hoo).