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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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What was that thing you told us about a while back where it would play different songs and you could keep or not keep and develop a play list?
I'm not Swirt, but my brother introduced me to pandora radio. www.pandora.com..
I think that's the one. Thanks!
Now I'm wondering how far wireless computer speakers reach.... do you think they would transmit to the floor above?
Don't have any. Clearly out of my league, sorry. My ipod only plays downloaded songs. I have to plug mine into a headset. Cheapie version. :) I suppose I could use a port of somekind, but haven't gotten one so far.
Wireless speakers - read the reviews on them all, some are horrible, some are good. Did you already buy them?
Depends on the construction of the house, ours transmit through these plaster walls, but the dining room one if I move it left or right gets all staticky. So they can be temperamental.
I would not think they would transmit up a floor very well. I supposed I could test ours out for you! I will try to do that by tomorrow morning and let you know for sure! and then the brand and make.
I have playlists on my pc. Some examples:
Check in groove - which is 7 hours of songs from Michael McDonald Patty Griffen, Emmylou Harris, Percy Sledge, The Drifters, Celtic music, Aaron Neville etc (this is called soulful check in groove)
Then I have another playlist bluegrass blueridge (all local or regional groups, some now famous) many instrumentals, gospel, appalachian fiddle like Mark O'Connor, Dixie Bee Liners, Heidi Clare, and other mountain music.
Romance - this is what I always play if we have a table for two and it is an anniversary or something. Michael Buble, Christ Botti, Jim Brickman
Aussie Country - some top artists in the Aussie realm. Guests love this one. Toe tappin stuff, great for a sat morning when they are all geared up and ready to rock for the day. I have the atmosphere tuned in a bit louder when we have a full table. Lots of fun breakfast conversation when this one is playing.
I play them all on SHUFFLE like you can do on an iPod. It is more fun. Motivates ME and the guests. Maybe I should add some grand funk railload? Ha ha no, I think I won't.
Yep Pandora.com it is my second favorite site on the internet ;)
Wireless speakers - read the reviews on them all, some are horrible, some are good. Did you already buy them?
Depends on the construction of the house, ours transmit through these plaster walls, but the dining room one if I move it left or right gets all staticky. So they can be temperamental.
I would not think they would transmit up a floor very well. I supposed I could test ours out for you! I will try to do that by tomorrow morning and let you know for sure! and then the brand and make.
I have playlists on my pc. Some examples:
Check in groove - which is 7 hours of songs from Michael McDonald Patty Griffen, Emmylou Harris, Percy Sledge, The Drifters, Celtic music, Aaron Neville etc (this is called soulful check in groove)
Then I have another playlist bluegrass blueridge (all local or regional groups, some now famous) many instrumentals, gospel, appalachian fiddle like Mark O'Connor, Dixie Bee Liners, Heidi Clare, and other mountain music.
Romance - this is what I always play if we have a table for two and it is an anniversary or something. Michael Buble, Christ Botti, Jim Brickman
Aussie Country - some top artists in the Aussie realm. Guests love this one. Toe tappin stuff, great for a sat morning when they are all geared up and ready to rock for the day. I have the atmosphere tuned in a bit louder when we have a full table. Lots of fun breakfast conversation when this one is playing.
I play them all on SHUFFLE like you can do on an iPod. It is more fun. Motivates ME and the guests. Maybe I should add some grand funk railload? Ha ha no, I think I won't..
I have this cool old radio in my hall that I think a smallish speaker would fit inside of. It sits above and over from my computer, so the signal would have to go up one floor and over maybe 10 feet. I haven't bought any speakers yet... I've just barely gotten to the point where I can try to remember Pandora.com and consider getting a system set up to play music.
update - wireless speakers can't handle it. Approx 15 feet away is their good zone with no barriers. You get some feedback and static at anything more than that. Of course these are not super high expensive ones either. A hundred fifty or so we paid.
[edited by swirt 6/25/08 1:00pm: posted to the wrong thread, it is now in place in the right thread]
[edited by swirt 6/25/08 1:00pm: posted to the wrong thread, it is now in place in the right thread].
[edited by swirt to clean-up reference to the misplaced thread]
The speakers I was looking at are a lot less than $150. Thanks for the test run.
I was talking with some seasoned innkeepers (trying to get them on this forum) and they said that most of the innkeepers they've met fall into one of two categories... those who love hosting people and being hospitable and opening their homes to others, and those who are doing the least amount they can to get the most money. I told them this forum was full of the first kind, that we're here because we want our inns to be the best they can be.
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