why can't guests say 'is there someone that can help me get my bags from the car?' they don't have to give a reason. i get asked all the time and i lug the stuff in. i assume they need the help. sometimes i feel that twinge of irritation so hopefully it's not just that they don't want to carry their stuff..
I think part of it was the whinging about 'how heavy' the suitcases were. Who the heck hauled them out of the house and put them in the car? If you can't pick the suitcase up, it is too heavy. Repack. Bring 2 suitcases instead of one (they were driving, not flying).
And, yes, I have hauled women's suitcases up the stairs while their husbands stood looking at their own suitcases and back to me. Yeah, right, buddy. You want me to haul that suitcase, you're gonna have to ask me. One time I had 3 women with heavy suitcases look at the stairs and converse to each other in Italian and look back at the stairs. I knew what they were saying and said, 'Watch this,' and I rang the bell. Hubs came out and I pointed and said, 'Husband.' They ladies clapped. Thank goodness he CAN take the bags up or we'd be in a pickle!
But when they won't even ROLL the suitcase up to the house, puhleeze. First floor room. They had a total of 3 steps and then they could roll the suitcases thru the house. They needed a hotel.