Good topic. You will find that no matter what policy you start with regarding groups, you will change it over time. I do not think I have ever been 100% satisfied with my policies on groups. I have already made notes on some things posted here.
Here is my current answers:
Do you change your cancellation policy? Make it longer?
Yes, 30 days prior to stay.
Do you require a deposit?
Yes, 1 nights stay, the day they make the reservation. Balance paid 30 days prior to stay - no refunds, strictly inforced!
Do you offer a discount?
Yes, 10% for 3 or more rooms (have 5 total - 13 people max), for 3 nights or more, unless booking is during a holiday or event period, which there is no discount & may be higher rates.
Do you need to know the names of whos in each room?
Yes! This way I can be sure of the TOTAL number of guests. I have had someone slip in extra people in their room thinking I would not catch it - they were slapped with additional charges and now my policy is better written to prevent this. As stated by others, some of these people have never stayed at a B&B before and think they can get away with things like they can at a hotel. It is very important to have firm policies that are detailed and provided to all members of the group. (I have emplimented a requirement that all of the group sign my policies at checkin)
Do you allow one person to 'hold the rooms' and then have others in the party call to hold they particular room?
To get the discount, they must have one 'contact' person. This person is responsible for the deposit and final payment and is my contact for all information. If there are cancellations within the group, that is that persons burden, not mine.
Anything else?
Make sure they are under the understanding that this is not a vacation rental, meaning they can not use the kitchen or laundry or hold parties on the property. Since we do have party facilities, it was very important that I state that those facilites are not included but I will be happy to provide a quote for that rental if they would like..