I understand that and we will be providing full breakfast however they seem more concerned with whats in the rooms. If you are missing a small item it will not get you the 4 stars that you want. So I am basically doing a check list to make sure..
Doesn't the organization give you a checklist?? That would seem appropriate to know what their standards are BEFORE their inspection. I would check with them. You are in Canada...perhaps one of our British Vancouver folks can assist.
Yes they give you a checklist however some of the items are pretty subjective. For example "good quality furniture and linens". My idea of good quality may be different from theirs.
I don't think so. Good quality means CLEAN, nothing tattered and torn, no sagging mattresses, no thread bare linens. Common sense applies here. I am sure they are not looking for a 5 star hotel I am sure. Are there any other B & B's in your area you can talk with? How about a B & B association? You need to get some feel for it from those who have been there and done that. And, you need to start some networking now before you get started.
I think she is looking to BE a 5-Star and wish her the best. Hope she gets it.
Sorry you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I meant like a 5 star Michelin ( sp??) rating or whatever.
The rating she is going for is a 4 star as she said, but I don't think it is the same standard as for upscale hotels/ spas etc. We aren't really certain who is actually giving out the star ratings here. I was just generalizing.
Ok, I finally looked to see what this was.
here it is:
Their **** says: **** This rating indicates exceptional quality in all areas of facilities and services offering superior quality throughout the property in areas of guestrooms, bath and common areas. The property typically provides laundry/valet service as well as many additional amenities.
Are you or do you want to provide laundry/valet services????? Hmmmmm
ere is a ***** rating place. How do you compare with this?? Luxury to a "world standard"???? Doesn't look like that much to me What do others think???