I would take her, wash hands a LOT, and I always put my guest's dishes in a bleach bath anyway. I really, in good conscience, could not turn away someone that I KNEW would have an impossible time finding a place to lay her head.
And how many of those who have reservations may have been on vacation last week? And who knows where they may have been OR who they may have been associating with? We are taking chances every day as we move through our daily routines. For instance - last Sunday was the Historical Association covered dish dinner and among those present was a local who was a missionary until she retired - newly back from a visit to Mexico. There she was shoulder to shoulder and cheek-to-cheek with the person sitting next to her on the bench at the trestle table...... And although there was conversation about the Swine Flu AND her Mexico trip, I doubt if anyone there thought for one minute that she could easily be a "carrier".