I was thinking about MS Publisher.
Adobenido- I have a small business that I do from my house on MY time. I do small websites and some flyers, business cards...that sort of thing. Well, the problem, and I'll use that term lightly, is that my business is growing. I don't do any advertising. I only do referral work. My referrers are getting more gabby apparently. I'm getting calls for work, which is great.
The next step for me is to buy a more up-to-date program so that I can keep up with my competitiors (of which there are officially three in my area).
MS Publisher was the route I was thinking about taking, but I wasn't sure if it was still the best..
See I was like you..until got so busy with the design thing..that I just retired from the B & B thing. Now I need to retire from the design thing. FOr web sites...I am hoping you use Dreamweaver
Publisher is for print..certainly not for professionals...but does the job adequately for my needs.
catlady said:
I am hoping you use Dreamweaver
That's the NEXT next step...got to take it one chunk of money at a time
I have (had?) Dreamweaver. I switched from my PC to a Mac and tried to install it since the CD said it worked for both systems. Well, it wouldn't work. Called Adobe and they said whatever system you install it on first is what it becomes attached to, whatever that means. Bottom line was I had to get another one if I wanted to run it on my Mac. I could install it on another PC, just not the Mac.
I found this instead: http://www.net2.com/nvu/
Give it a shot. It's very similar to Dreamweaver and since it's free it's even better LOL
It runs on Mac, Windows and Linux.