Other than pepperoni rolls and ramps, I cannot think of any just WV foods that would be a breakfast food. I do not think Oliverio's peppers would be appropriate albeit they are the best.
The Grimes Golden and the Golden Delicious apple were developed here. I almost always have golden delicious apples in the fruit baskets but the Grimes usually get shipped out of State and are hard to find. With all the housing developments in the Eastern Panhandle, I think we have lost a lot of our apple orchards..
gillumhouse said:
Other than pepperoni rolls and ramps, I cannot think of any just WV foods that would be a breakfast food. I do not think Oliverio's peppers would be appropriate albeit they are the best.
The Grimes Golden and the Golden Delicious apple were developed here. I almost always have golden delicious apples in the fruit baskets but the Grimes usually get shipped out of State and are hard to find. With all the housing developments in the Eastern Panhandle, I think we have lost a lot of our apple orchards.
Are their any cooked dishes that you think are only found - not just in your section of WV, but WV as a whole?
Example: The other day I FINALLY got to try something I have been waiting to try for years and years! A
Kentucky Brown. I have never found it on a menu anywhere and I have never been to Kentucky! I was tempted to drive there just to try it!
I am worried I may have missed the true Kentucky Brown (Hot Brown) and got a gourmet adulterated version. I don't want to make one myself until I experience it first.
If I lived in Kentucky I would serve it to guests, bacon, tomatoes, would be a nice breakfast dish!