Website floor plan

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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I added a floor plan to the website. Unsuccessful so far in an attempt to get the links to go directly to the right section on the rooms page, but if you click in each room, you do get a photo. More work to come, but let me know what you think.
Floor plan
I like them. What software did you end up using to create them?
A couple of suggestions:
  • I might increase the size of them just a bit. The smaller of the text that is on them (like the bathroom text) causes me to squint a bit to see it.
  • Not sure how comfortable you are doing this but if you know how, it would be a nice effect. Put the first map on the left with space to the right of it for a photo. When you hover over (or click) the room, the photo appears in the box (not needing a new window to open) Then below those put the next floor and repeat. There are lots of options for image replacements but something like this would work
I like them. What software did you end up using to create them?
A couple of suggestions:
  • I might increase the size of them just a bit. The smaller of the text that is on them (like the bathroom text) causes me to squint a bit to see it.
  • Not sure how comfortable you are doing this but if you know how, it would be a nice effect. Put the first map on the left with space to the right of it for a photo. When you hover over (or click) the room, the photo appears in the box (not needing a new window to open) Then below those put the next floor and repeat. There are lots of options for image replacements but something like this would work
I like that. So what you're saying is to create that box with a default picture and then when you click or hover the pic changes? Just like on Overstock where they have different views of the item.
I used Smart Draw and I have to go back in and add a link to their page because I used the free product and then erased all the advertising text they stick on. But I don't want to be cheap. I used it, they should get their advertising, just not in the middle of my rooms!
right, the default pic could just be an image that matches your background or something like that, or a cluster of all the photos as thumbnails and then when it replaces with the larger version of one, it will seem like that thumbnail jumps to the front. Lots of possibilities, all the same effect.
I really like it!
I'm going to put a floorplan in my new website. (Maybe I'll even remember to tell my web designer about that...)
=) Kk.
I like them. What software did you end up using to create them?
A couple of suggestions:
  • I might increase the size of them just a bit. The smaller of the text that is on them (like the bathroom text) causes me to squint a bit to see it.
  • Not sure how comfortable you are doing this but if you know how, it would be a nice effect. Put the first map on the left with space to the right of it for a photo. When you hover over (or click) the room, the photo appears in the box (not needing a new window to open) Then below those put the next floor and repeat. There are lots of options for image replacements but something like this would work
Well, I tried. I read the instructions on FrontPage, followed them but couldn't make anything happen. It looks like I can't have multiple pix from the floor plan as the floor plan is one picture, divided up into a mapable region.
Bree said:
I added a floor plan to the website. Unsuccessful so far in an attempt to get the links to go directly to the right section on the rooms page, but if you click in each room, you do get a photo. More work to come, but let me know what you think.

I like it! It is great. BUT - I think you will have major issues with those fireplaces looking like tvs. Somehow it needs to read fireplace or use an icon that looks more like it than a tv.
I just looked again and saw what you WROTE that they are fireplaces. But like anyone, I didn't read it the first time.
I looked a thrid time and immediately thought LIVING ROOM was part of one of the guest rooms. Not sure how to word that as COMMON ROOM so people get that. At first I thought - WOW! I WANT THAT ROOM! FIREPLACE< LIVING ROOM! COOL!
I know why I had thatconcusion as the other room has the name parlor in it, and I cannot see any common rooms depicted on the floor plan.
So #1 do guests want to know the living room is there so they know what is near them? Where are the other common rooms, like dining room? Are they near any guest rooms?
Bree said:
I added a floor plan to the website. Unsuccessful so far in an attempt to get the links to go directly to the right section on the rooms page, but if you click in each room, you do get a photo. More work to come, but let me know what you think.

I like it! It is great. BUT - I think you will have major issues with those fireplaces looking like tvs. Somehow it needs to read fireplace or use an icon that looks more like it than a tv.
I just looked again and saw what you WROTE that they are fireplaces. But like anyone, I didn't read it the first time..
I can't fix it now. That was the 1 week trial software.
Now I see I should have named the living room a 'common room'. The dining room is not near any guest rooms, so I left it out.
What I was trying to do was get it so you don't have to click to see the room pic pop up on a whole other page. I wanted to do a mouseover that pops the pic right up as you move the mouse around. Can't figure it out...
I looked a thrid time and immediately thought LIVING ROOM was part of one of the guest rooms. Not sure how to word that as COMMON ROOM so people get that. At first I thought - WOW! I WANT THAT ROOM! FIREPLACE< LIVING ROOM! COOL!
I know why I had thatconcusion as the other room has the name parlor in it, and I cannot see any common rooms depicted on the floor plan.
So #1 do guests want to know the living room is there so they know what is near them? Where are the other common rooms, like dining room? Are they near any guest rooms?.
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I know why I had thatconcusion as the other room has the name parlor in it, and I cannot see any common rooms depicted on the floor plan.
So #1 do guests want to know the living room is there so they know what is near them? Where are the other common rooms, like dining room? Are they near any guest rooms?
I thought guests might want to know their room was next to the living room, in case they are sensitive to the noise of other guests 'gathering' there. This week I have had 2 guests thank me for the floor plan because it heped them figure out which room they wanted. One was a young couple; the other an older woman. The young couple was very happy because they had an idea what everything looked like before they arrived and their room was 'right where it belonged'.
The dining room is really the side porch, so not near any guest rooms (in any way that I could portray in 2 dimensions).
I agree, that is the whole point of the layout is to show what is near it, so I think it is good to leave it on there. Or do you think having it on there might make people NOT want to book it? Then leave it out.
The room with our adjoining door (I say room as it is obv in that room) and the other room it is up three useless stairs to nowhere so they never even notice and the room is larger. Anyway, I was NOT ABOUT to show that on the layout. But I did put a delineator there so it is not a window and not actually a door. sneaky but gotta do what I gotta do. That rooms photographs the best and is not the best room (imo). So it books well due to the pics.
I like them. What software did you end up using to create them?
A couple of suggestions:
  • I might increase the size of them just a bit. The smaller of the text that is on them (like the bathroom text) causes me to squint a bit to see it.
  • Not sure how comfortable you are doing this but if you know how, it would be a nice effect. Put the first map on the left with space to the right of it for a photo. When you hover over (or click) the room, the photo appears in the box (not needing a new window to open) Then below those put the next floor and repeat. There are lots of options for image replacements but something like this would work
Well, I tried. I read the instructions on FrontPage, followed them but couldn't make anything happen. It looks like I can't have multiple pix from the floor plan as the floor plan is one picture, divided up into a mapable region.
You can do it, it just means that Frontpage isn't going to help you do it. I'll send you some code..when I am back on my computer.
I agree, that is the whole point of the layout is to show what is near it, so I think it is good to leave it on there. Or do you think having it on there might make people NOT want to book it? Then leave it out.
The room with our adjoining door (I say room as it is obv in that room) and the other room it is up three useless stairs to nowhere so they never even notice and the room is larger. Anyway, I was NOT ABOUT to show that on the layout. But I did put a delineator there so it is not a window and not actually a door. sneaky but gotta do what I gotta do. That rooms photographs the best and is not the best room (imo). So it books well due to the pics..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
The room with our adjoining door (I say room as it is obv in that room) and the other room it is up three useless stairs to nowhere so they never even notice and the room is larger. Anyway, I was NOT ABOUT to show that on the layout. But I did put a delineator there so it is not a window and not actually a door. sneaky but gotta do what I gotta do. That rooms photographs the best and is not the best room (imo). So it books well due to the pics.
Did you notice that on my floor plan? The 2 adjoining rooms with doors? I do have 2 doors showing, that appear to go to nowhere, but it allows guests to see (if they want the suite) where the doors are and how the suite is laid out with separate entrances and bathrooms.
No I didn't notice. But you have more room icons in the rooms that caught my eye like beds etc.
I like them. What software did you end up using to create them?
A couple of suggestions:
  • I might increase the size of them just a bit. The smaller of the text that is on them (like the bathroom text) causes me to squint a bit to see it.
  • Not sure how comfortable you are doing this but if you know how, it would be a nice effect. Put the first map on the left with space to the right of it for a photo. When you hover over (or click) the room, the photo appears in the box (not needing a new window to open) Then below those put the next floor and repeat. There are lots of options for image replacements but something like this would work
Well, I tried. I read the instructions on FrontPage, followed them but couldn't make anything happen. It looks like I can't have multiple pix from the floor plan as the floor plan is one picture, divided up into a mapable region.
You can do it, it just means that Frontpage isn't going to help you do it. I'll send you some code..when I am back on my computer.
swirt said:
You can do it, it just means that Frontpage isn't going to help you do it. I'll send you some code..when I am back on my computer.
I queried 'onMouseOver' in the help field and it came up with something related. They use the word, but I couldn't find it in any of the commands that preprogrammed.
Thanks for the help. I looked at the page you told me to, but still couldn't figure it out. Summer brain? Senioritis?
I think I'm paranoid... I thought about adding a floorplan to the blog so that people could see the house's footprint change as we did our remodeling. However, I also worried that it would be public information for house access to the wrong people.
I've gone back and forth on this and just continue to not put up a floor plan. Once the B&B is open, I'm hoping I've come to some sort of resolution to my overactive imagination.
I believe in Front Page, you put your cursor where you want to place what they call a BOOKMARK. Cick INSERT / BOOKMARK. Then name it.
Then on the image map/ floor plan, when you link to the rooms page, then click on BOOKMARKS button should see a list of the named bookmarks which are really anchors... you created on that page...then select the one you want.
I think I'm paranoid... I thought about adding a floorplan to the blog so that people could see the house's footprint change as we did our remodeling. However, I also worried that it would be public information for house access to the wrong people.
I've gone back and forth on this and just continue to not put up a floor plan. Once the B&B is open, I'm hoping I've come to some sort of resolution to my overactive imagination.
Wendy said:
I think I'm paranoid... I thought about adding a floorplan to the blog so that people could see the house's footprint change as we did our remodeling. However, I also worried that it would be public information for house access to the wrong people.
I've gone back and forth on this and just continue to not put up a floor plan. Once the B&B is open, I'm hoping I've come to some sort of resolution to my overactive imagination.
If that bothers you then you better not open a B&B. That is what we do, have strangers in our homes and we have it all out there on the internet. Many places on the internet.